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SCS: Method dm_webcache_publish return value was 一

热度:392   发布时间:2012-06-29 15:48:46.0
SCS: Method dm_webcache_publish return value was 1
Get below error message:
Thu Jun 30 04:19:46 2011 539287: 103150[103150] TRACE LAUNCH: ./dmbasic -f./dm_event_sender_xxx.eb
s -eMail  -- "xxx" "nulldate" "Job_Failure" "[ERROR] [LAUNCHER 103145] Detected while completing processing for job dm_WebPublish_08xxxxxx9b50: FAILED:  Method dm_webcache_publish return value was 1." "dm_WebPublish_080xxx9b50" 08xxx39b54 "nulldate" 1 dm_null_id " " "usrxxx" "dxxxuser" "event" " " "dxxxuser" "xxxx@xxx.com" undefined "dxxx" 1bxxxxe9366 "06/30/2011 04:19:46" 0 "dm_job" " " 0  " " "hostxx.com|80" "" "/var/tmp/aaaMla3Lm" ./dm_mailwrapper.sh " " " "

Then search out below solution.

"You would have recieved a notification in the inbox of the dmadmin, when the SCS job (dm_WebPublish_080000018000a312) has failed. In DA, you can go to jobs and search the dm_WebPublish_080000018000a312 and find the job configuration and the method it is pointing.

Also if you run this dql

select * from dm_webc_config where r_object_id = '080000018000a312', you will get the object name of the SCS job that is failing.

Then if you goto the particular SCS config object and check for the log for the particular time it has failed. you will find this time when the notification has come into inbox or you can check the properties of SCS config object to see when it was scheduled to run.

Check to see the log what was the reason the job is failing. The log could throw some light on it."