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WebSphere sMash 装配

热度:293   发布时间:2012-06-27 14:20:09.0
WebSphere sMash 安装

The Command Line Interface (CLI) contains the base support for developing and running apps. Additional runtime libraries are retrieved as needed from a module repository on ProjectZero.org.

Download and Installation of the CLI

  1. Download the zero.zip file and unzip it to any directory. This results in a subdirectory called zero that contains the commands for running the CLI.
  2. Add the zero directory to the user's PATH environment variable.
  3. Add the bin directory under the JDK installation directory to the user's PATH environment variable.

Refer to the Getting Started Guide for instructions on creating your first application.

System Requirement for Command Line Interface

  • Windows?, Linux?, or Mac operating system
  • Java SE Development Kit (JDK) (32-bit only):
    • Linux?: 5.0 or 6.0
    • Windows?:5.0 or 6.0
    • Mac:5.0 or 6.0
    Note: IBM employees should download the Java SDK from the IBM internal site.

App Builder for WebSphere sMash

App Builder is an integrated, non-released, Web-based tool for developing WebSphere sMash applications.

To start the App Builder, navigate to the zero directory (where the CLI was installed) and run appbuilder open .

System Requirements for the App Builder

  • Windows, Mac, or Linux operating system
  • Zero CLI
  • Mozilla Firefox browser

Using WebSphere sMash with Eclipse

Although we recommend the App Builder as the preferred tool for building WebSphere sMash applications, you have the option of using the Eclipse development environment with the language of your choice: Java or PHP. See the Eclipse Support page in the Getting Started guide for details on Eclipse setup and usage.
