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jquery easyUI tree 后盾实现代码

热度:350   发布时间:2012-08-28 12:37:01.0
jquery easyUI tree 后台实现代码


jquery easyUI tree的树形格式的json形式为

???"id": 8,
???"text":"Async Folder",


<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"
?<%@ include file="/admin/CommonFiles/struts.jsp" %>
??<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
??<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${ctx}/admin/css/easyui.css"></link>
??<script type="text/javascript" src="${ctx}/admin/js/jquery-1.4.2.js"></script>
??<script type="text/javascript" src="${ctx}/admin/js/jquery.easyui.min.js"></script>
??<link rel="stylesheet" href="${ctx}/admin/style.css" type="text/css">
??<script type="text/javascript">
????checkbox: true,
????url: '${ctx}/ItemTree.do?method=createTree',
?????$(this).tree('toggle', node.target);
?????var ss=node.attributes.cas.toString();//p1
?????alert('you click '+ss);
????onContextMenu: function(e, node){
?????$('#tt2').tree('select', node.target);
?????$('#mm').menu('show', {
??????left: e.pageX,
??????top: e.pageY
?<body bgcolor="#EBF1FA" leftmargin="5" topmargin="5" marginwidth="0"
???<ul id="tt2"></ul>


? * @param mapping
? * @param form
? * @param request
? * @param response
? * @return
? * @throws Exception
? */
?public ActionForward createTree(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
???HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
???throws Exception {
??m_objsa = (SessionAdmin) request.getSession().getAttribute("amUser");
??int parentid=NumberUtils.stringToInt(request.getParameter("xxxx"));
??String state="";
??String sel="";
??List<TreeDto> list = new ArrayList<TreeDto>();
??String str =JSONArray.fromObject(list).toString();

??return null;
?public List<TreeDto> createTree(int parentid,String state,String sel,List<TreeDto> list2) throws SQLException
//??list2=new ArrayList<TreeDto>();
??ArrayList<TreeDto> al = getPrivateSubItem(parentid);
??if(al != null && !al.isEmpty())
???int n = al.size();
???for(int i = 0; i < n;i++)
????TreeDto o = (TreeDto)al.get(i);
?????List<TreeDto> list333=new ArrayList<TreeDto>();
?????o.setChildren(createTree(o.getId(), state, sel,list333));
??return al;


private ArrayList<TreeDto> getPrivateSubItem(int parentid) throws SQLException
??m_strSql = new StringBuffer();
??m_strSql.append("Select ID,Name From Item Where IsAuditing = 1");
??m_strSql.append("And WebID = " + m_objsa.getWebID());
//???m_strSql.append(" And '" + m_objsa.getItemPower() + "' Like '%' + CONVERT(varchar,ID) + '_0%'");
??m_strSql.append(" And ParentID = " + parentid);
??Connection conn = null;
??PreparedStatement stmt = null;
??ResultSet rs = null;?
??ArrayList<TreeDto> al = new ArrayList<TreeDto>();
??try {
???conn = this.getSqlSession().getConnection();
???stmt = conn.prepareStatement(m_strSql.toString());
???rs = stmt.executeQuery();
?????TreeDto o = new TreeDto();

??}catch(Exception se){
???DBUtils.close(rs, stmt, conn);
??return al;


private boolean isHaveSubItem(int parentid) throws SQLException
??m_strSql = new StringBuffer();
??m_strSql.append("Select Count(ID) as C From Item Where IsAuditing = 1 And WebID = " + m_objsa.getWebID());
??m_strSql.append(" And ParentID = " + parentid);
??Connection conn = null;
??PreparedStatement stmt = null;
??ResultSet rs = null;?
??try {
???conn = this.getSqlSession().getConnection();
???stmt = conn.prepareStatement(m_strSql.toString());
???rs = stmt.executeQuery();
???if(rs.next() && rs != null)
????int i = rs.getInt("C");
????return i > 0;

??}catch(Exception se){
???DBUtils.close(rs, stmt, conn);
??return false;??
