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struts2错误There is no Action 地图ped for namespace * and action name

热度:183   发布时间:2012-09-01 09:33:02.0
struts2异常There is no Action mapped for namespace * and action name

解决There is no Action mapped for namespace *? and action name? (* 代表异常namespace名称)

参照上一篇博客中关于namespace访问顺序,可知,在每次报次异常之前都会先去访问namespace=“”的package 所以,我们可以在struts.xml文件中配置一个默认namaspace

<package name="default" extends="struts-default">
	  <default-action-ref name="notFound" />
		 	 <result name="error">/errer.jsp</result>
		   <action name="notFound">



