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EasyUI window显示错误 (版本差异)

热度:505   发布时间:2012-09-02 21:00:34.0
EasyUI window显示异常 (版本差异)




	<div id="w" class="easyui-window" data-options="title:'My Window',iconCls:'icon-save'" style="width:500px;height:200px;padding:5px;">

		<div class="easyui-layout" data-options="fit:true">

			<div data-options="region:'center',border:false" style="padding:10px;background:#fff;border:1px solid #ccc;">

				jQuery EasyUI framework help you build your web page easily.


				click <a href="#" onclick="test()">here</a> to popup another window.


			<div data-options="region:'south',border:false" style="text-align:right;padding:5px 0;">

				<a class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:'icon-ok'" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="resize()">Ok</a>

				<a class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:'icon-cancel'" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="resize()">Cancel</a>






后来才发现是官方网站上用的已经是1.3版本了,而我是直接将以前的项目中使用的easyui copy过来的,而以前的版本是1.2.6


  • combogrid: When set to 'remote' query mode, the 'queryParams' parameters can't be sent to server. fixed.
  • combotree: The tree nodes on drop-down panel can not be unchecked while calling 'clear' method. fixed.
  • datetimebox: Setting 'showSeconds' property to false cannot hide seconds info. fixed.
  • datagrid: Calling 'mergeCells' method can't auto resize the merged cell while header is hidden. fixed.
  • dialog: Set cache to false and load data via ajax, the content cannot be refreshed. fixed.
  • The HTML5 'data-options' attribute is available for components to declare all custom options, including properties and events.
  • More detailed documentation is available.
  • panel: Prevent script on panel body from running twice.
  • accordion: Add 'getPanelIndex' method.
  • accordion: The tools can be added on panel header.
  • datetimebox: Add 'timeSeparator' option that allows users to define the time separator.
  • pagination: Add 'refresh' and 'select' methods.
  • datagrid: Auto resize the column width to fit the contents when the column width is not defined.
  • datagrid: Double click on the right border of columns to auto resize the columns to the contents in the columns.
  • datagrid: Add 'autoSizeColumn' method that allows users to adjust the column width to fit the contents.
  • datagrid: Add 'getChecked' method to get all rows where the checkbox has been checked.
  • datagrid: Add 'selectOnCheck' and 'checkOnSelect' properties and some checking methods to enhance the row selections.
  • datagrid: Add 'pagePosition' property to allow users to display pager bar at either top,bottom or both places of the grid.
  • datagrid: The buffer view and virtual scroll view are supported to display large amounts of records without pagination.
  • tabs: Add 'disableTab' and 'enableTab' methods to allow users to disable or enable a tab panel.
以上加粗一行,显示'data-options属性是1.3新加了 ,所以之前的1.2.6版本是不支持此属性的



2.不使用data-options属性, 改为1.2.6支持的属性即直接到data-options里属性加到标签属性上如:

<div data-options="region:'center',border:false"

<div region='center'border=false'
