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到哪里上载Weblogic 12c 的Plug-In 为 Apache HTTP Server

热度:705   发布时间:2012-12-26 14:39:29.0
到哪里下载Weblogic 12c 的Plug-In 为 Apache HTTP Server

你也许知道怎么配置Apache proxy for weblogic  server, 如下:

1,安装Apache 2.0, 使用默认的80默认端口
Copy Weblogic的so到Apache目录

这样, Apache知道如何Balance Request到Cluster中处理能力更强的服务器。

修改httpd.conf配置文件(%APACHE_HOME%/conf/httpd.conf),让apache加载weblogic提供的For Apache的Plugin――
LoadModule weblogic_module modules/mod_wl_22.so

但是最新的Weblogic 12c不再为 Apache HTTP Server提供缺省的的plugin

在  http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E12840_01/wls/docs103/plugins/apache.html, 如下描述:

Installing the Apache HTTP Server Plug-In as a Dynamic Shared Object

The Apache plug-in is distributed as a shared object (.so) for Solaris, Linux, AIX, Windows, and HPUX11 platforms. The WLS 10.3 installation does not include the Apache HTTP server plug-ins. The Apache HTTP Server plug-ins are available in a separate zip file, available from the Oracle download and support sites. These plug-ins contain a fix for the security advisory described at:


After downloading the zip file, extract the zip to a directory of your choice on disk.

From the certification matrix, http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/ias/downloads/fusion-certification-100350.html, WLS 12c will work with 1.1 proxy plugin version which can be downloaded from the site above (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/ias/downloads/wls-plugins-096117.html).

For web server plug-in support, refer to: Note 1111903.1.
