当前位置: 代码迷 >> Web前端 >> googlemap在自定义map上比百度map接口丰富很多


热度:486   发布时间:2013-12-23 14:30:52.0


var  mapStyle ={ 
        features: ["road", "building","water","land"],//隐藏地图上的poi
        style : "dark"  //设置地图风格为高端黑




Constant Description
administrative Apply the rule to administrative areas.
administrative.country Apply the rule to countries.
administrative.land_parcel Apply the rule to land parcels.
administrative.locality Apply the rule to localities.
administrative.neighborhood Apply the rule to neighborhoods.
administrative.province Apply the rule to provinces.
all Apply the rule to all selector types.
landscape Apply the rule to landscapes.
landscape.man_made Apply the rule to man made structures.
landscape.natural Apply the rule to natural features.
landscape.natural.landcover Apply the rule to landcover.
landscape.natural.terrain Apply the rule to terrain.
poi Apply the rule to points of interest.
poi.attraction Apply the rule to attractions for tourists.
poi.business Apply the rule to businesses.
poi.government Apply the rule to government buildings.
poi.medical Apply the rule to emergency services (hospitals, pharmacies, police, doctors, etc).
poi.park Apply the rule to parks.
poi.place_of_worship Apply the rule to places of worship, such as church, temple, or mosque.
poi.school Apply the rule to schools.
poi.sports_complex Apply the rule to sports complexes.
road Apply the rule to all roads.
road.arterial Apply the rule to arterial roads.
road.highway Apply the rule to highways.
road.highway.controlled_access Apply the rule to controlled-access highways.
road.local Apply the rule to local roads.
transit Apply the rule to all transit stations and lines.
transit.line Apply the rule to transit lines.
transit.station Apply the rule to all transit stations.
transit.station.airport Apply the rule to airports.
transit.station.bus Apply the rule to bus stops.
transit.station.rail Apply the rule to rail stations.
water Apply the rule to bodies of water.