当前位置: 代码迷 >> VC >> ATL中加载图片资源要如何弄


热度:7417   发布时间:2013-02-25 00:00:00.0

Use Windows API. See FindResource, LoadResource, LockResource.
After you call these three in sequence, you end up with the resource in a memory buffer and you have a pointer to the beginning of said buffer. You can now save it to disk file or do whatever you want.

LoadBitmap, LoadImage, LoadResource
LoadAccelerators Loads an accelerator table DestroyAcceleratorTable
LoadBitmap Loads a bitmap resource DeleteObject
LoadCursor Loads a cursor resource DestroyCursor
LoadIcon Loads an icon resource DestroyIcon
LoadMenu Loads a menu resource DestroyMenu
LoadString Loads a string resource No action needed
