当前位置: 代码迷 >> VBA >> 打造shcedule用的两个VBA小程序


热度:6434   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
Sub ScheduleNext()'' ScheduleNext Macro' マクロ記録日 : 2012/1/10  ユーザー名 : 川越事業所'' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+n''    With Selection.Interior'        .ColorIndex = 8'        .Pattern = xlSolid'        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic'    End With'    Range("F13").Select'    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "6/6/2001"         Dim holidays(6) As Date    holidays(0) = "2012/1/2"    holidays(1) = "2012/1/23"    holidays(2) = "2012/1/24"    holidays(3) = "2012/1/25"    holidays(4) = "2012/4/4"    holidays(5) = "2012/5/1"    holidays(6) = "2012/6/22"       If IsDate(ActiveCell.Value) Then        Selection.NumberFormatLocal = "yyyy/m/d"        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Application.Run("ATPVBAEN.XLA!WorkDay", ActiveCell.Value, 1, holidays)        ElseIf IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Value) Then                Selection.NumberFormatLocal = "yyyy/m/d"                             Dim upleftRow As Integer        upleftRow = ActiveCell.Row - 1                Dim upColumn As Integer        upleftColumn = ActiveCell.Column + 1                Dim leftupRange As Range                Set leftupRange = Cells(upleftRow, upleftColumn).MergeArea                upleftRow = leftupRange.Row                upleftColumn = leftupRange.Column                            If IsDate(Cells(upleftRow, upleftColumn).Value) Then                     ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Application.Run("ATPVBAEN.XLA!WorkDay", Cells(upleftRow, upleftColumn), 1, holidays)                Else                MsgBox "upleftの内容は日付ではない"                End If            Else            MsgBox "該当cell1の内容をチェック"        End If        End Sub





Sub ScheduleCalender()'' Macro3 Macro' マクロ記録日 : 2012/1/10  ユーザー名 : 川越事業所'' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+m'    Dim holidays(6) As Date    holidays(0) = "2012/1/2"    holidays(1) = "2012/1/23"    holidays(2) = "2012/1/24"    holidays(3) = "2012/1/25"    holidays(4) = "2012/4/4"    holidays(5) = "2012/5/1"    holidays(6) = "2012/6/22"        Selection.NumberFormatLocal = "yyyy/m/d"        Dim leftRow As Integer    leftRow = ActiveCell.Row            Dim leftColumn As Integer        leftColumn = ActiveCell.Column - 1          Dim rightRow As Integer    rightRow = ActiveCell.Row            Dim rightColumn As Integer    rightColumn = ActiveCell.Column + 1        If IsDate(Cells(leftRow, leftColumn).Value) Then            If IsNumeric(Cells(rightRow, rightColumn).Value) And Not IsEmpty(Cells(rightRow, rightColumn).Value) Then                        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Application.Run("ATPVBAEN.XLA!WorkDay", Cells(leftRow, leftColumn).Value, Cells(rightRow, rightColumn).Value - 1, holidays)                Else                        MsgBox "left right の内容は数値ではない"                        End If                    Else        MsgBox "left cell の内容は日付ではない"        End If    End Sub

