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热度:50   发布时间:2016-05-05 13:43:55.0
用的是 sqlserver2000的数据库,用查询分析器全部验证通过,作的时候比较急可能会有错误,希望大家批评指正,也希望大家继续添加.



一 查询语句


Select * from student


select s_name,s_no from student


select 学号=s_no, 姓名=s_name??? from student

或者select s_no as 学号,s_name as 姓名??? from student


select s_name,s_age from student where s_age>23 order by s_age desc


select??? *from student where s_name like'张%'


select??? top 1*from student where s_name like'%张%' and s_sex='男' and??? s_age between 23 and 25 order by s_age desc, s_dept asc


select s_name,s_age ,s_dept from student where s_dept not in('交通工程系','土木')


select * from student where s_name not like '张%'


select * from student where substring(s_no,8,1) not like'[6-9]'


select * from sc where c_grade=null


select count(*) as 总人数 from student


select count(*) as 总人数 from sc


select sum(c_grade)from sc sc ,student where s_sex='男'and student.s_no=sc.s_no


select avg(c_grade)from sc??? where c_no='c002'


select count(distinct s_no) from sc


select max(c_grade),min(c_grade) from sc where c_no='r001'


select c_no ,count(*)from sc group by c_no


select s_no ,count(*),avg(c_grade)from sc group by s_no


select s_no ,count(*)from sc group by s_no having count(*)>=3


select s_no ,avg(c_grade),count(*)from sc group by s_no having count(*)>=3



select * from student ,sc where student.s_no=sc.s_no(两个表中的学号字段均列出)



select s_name,c_no ,c_grade from student a ,sc b where s_dept='计算机'and a.s_no=b.s_no


elect s_name,c_name ,c_grade from student a ,sc b,course c where c_name='大学语文'and a.s_no=b.s_no and b.c_no=c.c_no


select a.s_name,c.c_name ,b.c_grade into s_c_g from student a ,sc b,course c


select s_no ,c_grade from sc where c_no='r001' and c_grade>(select avg(c_grade) from sc where c_no='r001')


select s_name from student where s_dept=(select s_dept from student where s_name='李四')and s_name<>'李四'


select s_name,nf=datepart(yyyy,getdate())-s_age from student

二 更新语句


insert into student(s_no,s_name,s_sex,s_dept,s_age)values('20010694','陈东','男','交通工程系','22')

-2 在 sc表中插入一条新记录,成绩暂缺

insert into sc(s_no,c_no,c_grade)values('20010694','j002',null)


update student set s_age=s_age+1

-4 删除所有学生的选课记录

delete from sc


Delete from sc where c_grade<60


delete from sc where c_grade<60 and s_no in(select s_no from student where s_dept='计算机')

1 楼 抛出异常的爱 2008-09-02  

2 楼 zzq230 2008-09-02  
3 楼 jiahch 2008-09-05  

初级开发工程师面试常问得一般是 排重语句,子查询之类 ,或者 cursor之类吧 ;
4 楼 ahua3515 2008-09-09  