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sqlserver 反复数据只留一条

热度:80   发布时间:2016-05-05 13:29:07.0
sqlserver 重复数据只留一条


表student_score中除主键之外 所有字段值都相同的则删除掉,只保留一条:


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[student_score](
?[score_id] [numeric](11, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL primary key,
?[student_id] [varchar](16) NULL,
?[score_year] [int] NULL,
?[score_term] [int] NULL,
?[score_edusys] [int] NULL,
?[score_item] [int] NULL,
?[item_child] [int] NULL,
?[score_module] [varchar](2000) NULL,
?[score_value] [varchar](32) NULL)


-- 所有存在重复的都放在临时表中
select * into temp_student_score from student_score a where exists(
select 1 from student_score b where a.student_id = b.student_id and a.score_year= b.score_year
and a.score_term = b.score_term and a.score_edusys = b.score_edusys and a.score_item = b.score_item
and isnull(a.item_child,-1) = isnull(b.item_child,-1) and isnull(a.score_module,-1) = isnull(b.score_module,-1)
and isnull(a.score_value,-1) = isnull(b.score_value,-1)
and a.score_id <> b.score_id

-- 重复数据中ID最小的一条数据存在临时表中
select min(score_id) score_id into temp_min_score_id
?from temp_student_score
?group by student_id,score_year,score_term,score_edusys,score_item,item_child,score_module,score_value


-- 通过临时表删除数据

delete?? a from student_score? a where exists(
select 1 from temp_student_score b where a.score_id = b.score_id
and not exists(
select 1 from temp_min_score_id c where a.score_id = c.score_id

drop table temp_student_score

drop table temp_min_score_id
