当前位置: 代码迷 >> SQL >> sql2000写的一个子痛的存储过程


热度:40   发布时间:2016-05-05 13:00:14.0

ALTER procedure [dbo].[aw_fillwgcalcfee] (
  @nyear integer,
  @nmonth integer

  declare @firstday  t_date; 
  declare @lastday  t_date;
  declare @iemptypeid integer;
  declare @idepartmentid integer;
  declare @fbaseamt t_amount;
  declare @ftax t_amount;
  declare @icount integer;
  declare @icount2 integer;
  declare @ifreeid integer;
  declare @idebitsubid integer;
  declare @icreditsubid integer;
  declare @iddepartmentid integer;
  declare @icdepartmentid integer;
  declare @idempid integer;
  declare @icempid integer;
  declare @idprojectid integer;
  declare @icprojectid integer;
  declare @idgoodsid integer;
  declare @icgoodsid integer;
  declare @idtraderid integer;
  declare @ictraderid integer;
  declare @local_tab table(emptypeid integer,
                                               departmentid integer) ;
  declare @temp_feebase table(freeid integer not null,
                                                          emptypeid integer,
                                                          departmentid integer,
                                                          debitsubid integer,
                                                          creditsubid integer,
                                                          ddepartmentid integer,
                                                          cdepartmentid integer,
                                                          dempid integer,
                                                          cempid integer,
                                                          dprojectid integer,
                                                          cprojectid integer,
                                                          dgoodsid integer,
                                                          cgoodsid integer,
                                                          dtraderid integer,
                                                          ctraderid integer)      
 execute ag_getyearmonthrange @nyear,@nmonth,@firstday output,@lastday output;

  insert into @local_tab
  select emptypeid,departmentid 
  from aw_wgcalcfee  
  where freeid=1

  declare aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor cursor for
  select  *
  from @local_tab

  open aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor 
  fetch next from  aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor
  into  @iemptypeid,@idepartmentid
  while @@fetch_status = 0 
        select @icount2=count(empid)
        from l_employ
        where [email protected] and [email protected]
              and (closed=0 or (closed=1 and diminishedday>[email protected] and diminishedday<[email protected]))

        if (@icount2=0)
           delete from aw_wgcalcfee where [email protected] and [email protected]
                                      and [email protected] and [email protected];
      fetch next from  aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor
      into  @iemptypeid,@idepartmentid
  close  aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor
--  deallocate  aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor
  delete from @local_tab

  insert into @temp_feebase
  select freeid,emptypeid,departmentid,debitsubid,creditsubid,ddepartmentid,cdepartmentid,
  from aw_wgfeebase  
  where freeid<4
  declare aw_feebase_cursor cursor for
  select  *
  from @temp_feebase

  open aw_feebase_cursor 
  fetch next from  aw_feebase_cursor
  into  @ifreeid,@iemptypeid,@idepartmentid,@idebitsubid,@icreditsubid,@iddepartmentid,@icdepartmentid,
  while @@fetch_status = 0 
        select  @icount=count(nyear) 
        from aw_wgcalcfee 
        where [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected] 
                    and [email protected] and [email protected]

        select @icount2=count(empid)
        from l_employ
        where [email protected] and [email protected]
              and (closed=0 or (closed=1 and diminishedday>[email protected] and diminishedday<[email protected]))
        if ((@icount=0) and (@icount2>0)) 
             insert into aw_wgcalcfee (nyear,nmonth,freeid,emptypeid,departmentid,debitsubid,
             values (@nyear,@nmonth,@ifreeid,@iemptypeid,@idepartmentid,@idebitsubid,@icreditsubid,

      fetch next from  aw_feebase_cursor
      into  @ifreeid,@iemptypeid,@idepartmentid,@idebitsubid,@icreditsubid,@iddepartmentid,@icdepartmentid,
  close  aw_feebase_cursor
  deallocate  aw_feebase_cursor
  select @ftax=datavalue from am_sysparam where paramid=612;
  insert into @local_tab
  select emptypeid,departmentid from aw_wgcalcfee 
  where [email protected] and [email protected] and freeid=1
  open aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor 
  fetch next from  aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor
  into  @iemptypeid,@idepartmentid
  while @@fetch_status = 0 
      select @fbaseamt=sum(feebaseamt) from aw_monthwagefix 
      where empid in (select empid from l_employ 
                                   where [email protected] 
                                               and [email protected])
                                               and [email protected] and [email protected]

      update aw_wgcalcfee set [email protected],[email protected],amount=dbo.fn_round2(@[email protected]/100)
      where [email protected] and [email protected] and freeid=1
                 and [email protected] and [email protected];

      fetch next from  aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor
      into  @iemptypeid,@idepartmentid
  close  aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor
  delete from @local_tab

  select @ftax=datavalue from am_sysparam where paramid=613;
  insert into @local_tab
  select emptypeid,departmentid from aw_wgcalcfee 
  where [email protected] and [email protected] and freeid=2
  open aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor 
  fetch next from  aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor
  into  @iemptypeid,@idepartmentid
  while @@fetch_status = 0 
      select @fbaseamt=sum(feebaseamt) from aw_monthwagefix 
      where empid in (select empid from l_employ 
                                   where [email protected] 
                                               and [email protected])
                                               and [email protected] and [email protected]

      update aw_wgcalcfee set [email protected],[email protected],amount=dbo.fn_round2(@[email protected]/100)
      where [email protected] and [email protected] and freeid=2
                 and [email protected] and [email protected];

      fetch next from  aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor
      into  @iemptypeid,@idepartmentid
  close  aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor
  delete from @local_tab

  select @ftax=datavalue from am_sysparam where paramid=614;
  insert into @local_tab
  select emptypeid,departmentid from aw_wgcalcfee 
  where [email protected] and [email protected] and freeid=3
  open aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor 
  fetch next from  aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor
  into  @iemptypeid,@idepartmentid
  while @@fetch_status = 0 
      select @fbaseamt=sum(feebaseamt) from aw_monthwagefix 
      where empid in (select empid from l_employ 
                                   where [email protected] 
                                               and [email protected])
                                               and [email protected] and [email protected]

      update aw_wgcalcfee set [email protected],[email protected],amount=dbo.fn_round2(@[email protected]/100)
      where [email protected] and [email protected] and freeid=3
                 and [email protected] and [email protected];

      fetch next from  aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor
      into  @iemptypeid,@idepartmentid
  close  aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor
  delete from @local_tab
  deallocate  aw_fillwgcalcfee_cursor


