当前位置: 代码迷 >> SQL >> SWING经过中间类传递多参数SQL语句


热度:40   发布时间:2016-05-05 12:49:59.0

????? 重构一书中有说过,一个方法的参数最好不要超过7个,否则就是不雅的编码。在SWING开发中,表单的提交不同于HTML,并没有请求对象request,控件中的值往往要在提交BUTTON时通过参数的形式传递,如果控件有很多个,传递的值会霸占几个参数位置,当然很多人喜欢用List、Property存储控件值,这里提供另一种思路用于传递控件值到逻辑业务层中,使用中间实体类做传递。



public class Condition implements Serializable{	/**	 * 逻辑关系(and or !)	 */	private String logic;	/**	 * 	 */	private String beginBracket;		private String fieldName;	private String operator;	private Object value;		private String endBracket;	public Condition(String logic, String beginBracket, String fieldName, String operator,			Object value, String endBracket){		this.logic = logic;		this.beginBracket = beginBracket;		this.fieldName = fieldName;		this.operator = operator;		this.value = value;		this.endBracket = endBracket;	}	/**	 * @return Returns the beginBracket.	 */	public String getBeginBracket() {		return beginBracket;	}	/**	 * @param beginBracket The beginBracket to set.	 */	public void setBeginBracket(String beginBracket) {		this.beginBracket = beginBracket;	}	/**	 * @return Returns the endBracket.	 */	public String getEndBracket() {		return endBracket;	}	/**	 * @param endBracket The endBracket to set.	 */	public void setEndBracket(String endBracket) {		this.endBracket = endBracket;	}	/**	 * @return Returns the fieldName.	 */	public String getFieldName() {		return fieldName;	}	/**	 * @param fieldName The fieldName to set.	 */	public void setFieldName(String fieldName) {		this.fieldName = fieldName;	}	/**	 * @return Returns the operator.	 */	public String getOperator() {		return operator;	}	/**	 * @param operator The operator to set.	 */	public void setOperator(String operator) {		this.operator = operator;	}	/**	 * @return Returns the value.	 */	public Object getValue() {		return value;	}	/**	 * @param value The value to set.	 */	public void setValue(Object value) {		this.value = value;	}	/**	 * @return Returns the logic.	 */	public String getLogic() {		return logic;	}	/**	 * @param logic The logic to set.	 */	public void setLogic(String logic) {		this.logic = logic;	}}



 List<Condition> conditions = new ArrayList<Condition>();
conditions.add(new Condition("and", null, "billMaster.validDate",">=", CommonVars.getBeginDate(date), null));conditions.add(new Condition("and", null,"billMaster.isValid", "=",new Boolean(true), null));



/**	 * 组织HQL报表条件公共查询	 * 	 * @param selects	 *            选择内容	 * @param className	 *            类名	 * @param conditions	 *            查询条件	 * @param groupBy	 *            分组	 * @param leftOuter	 *            左连接内容	 * @return 查询结果	 */	public List commonSearch(String selects, String className, List conditions,			String groupBy, String leftOuter) {		if (leftOuter == null) {			leftOuter = "";		}		String sql = "";		sql = " from " + className + " a " + leftOuter + " where a.company =? ";		if (selects != null && !selects.equals("")) {			sql = selects + sql;		} else {// selects == null			sql = " select a from " + className + " a " + leftOuter					+ " where a.company =? ";		}		List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();		params.add(CommonUtils.getCompany());		if (conditions != null) {			for (int i = 0; i < conditions.size(); i++) {				Condition condition = (Condition) conditions.get(i);				if (condition.getLogic() != null) {					sql += " " + condition.getLogic() + "  ";				}				if (condition.getBeginBracket() != null) {					sql += condition.getBeginBracket();				}				if (condition.getFieldName() != null) {					sql += "a." + condition.getFieldName();				}				if (condition.getOperator() != null) {					sql += condition.getOperator();				}				if (condition.getValue() != null) {					if(condition.getOperator().indexOf("in")>0){						String[] strs = (String[])condition.getValue();						for(int j=0;j<strs.length;j++){							if(j==0){								sql += "?";							}else{								sql +=",?";							}						}						for(String str : strs){							params.add(str);						}					}else{						sql += "? ";						params.add(condition.getValue());						System.out.println("value1="+condition.getValue());					}				}				if (condition.getEndBracket() != null)					sql += condition.getEndBracket();			}		}		if (groupBy != null && !groupBy.equals("")) {			sql = sql + " " + groupBy;		}		System.out.println("---------------sql:" + sql);		List result = this.find(sql, params.toArray());		return result;	}




leftOuter = " left join fetch a.billMaster left join fetch a.wareSet left join fetch a.complex ";List ms = casDao.commonSearch("", billDetailTableName, conditions, "",leftOuter);
