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关于 compute 的有关问题

热度:82   发布时间:2016-04-27 19:09:22.0
关于 compute 的问题
关于   compute   的问题:

sql   查询:     select   customername   as   name,product,money   from   customer   compute   sum(money)    

问题是如何把   sum(money)   的值赋予某个变量(或者字段),以便在页面显示?

(或另有可代替的   sql   语句也行,要求是:   查询   customername,product,money,   并对   money   求和,   money   的和要能够调用)

select customername name,product,money from customer
union all
select '总计 ', ' ',sum(money) from customer

select a.customername as name ,a.product,a.money,b.money as sum_money
from customer a
left join (select sum(money) money from customer) b
on 1=1
declare @i as decimal(18,2)

select @i = money from customer compute sum(money)

select @i

select name,volume from tt union all
select '总计 ',sum(volume) from tt
declare @i decimal
select @i=sum(volume) from tt
print @i
@i int
select customername,product,money from customer
select @i=sum(money)from customer

select customername as name,product,SUM(money) As money from customer Group By customername,product With Rollup Having customername Is Null Or product Is Not Null

Create Table customer
(customername Varchar(10),
product Varchar(10),
[money] Money)
Insert customer Select 'A ', 'A1 ', 200
Union All Select 'A ', 'A2 ', 300
Union All Select 'B ', 'B1 ', 200
select customername as name,product,SUM(money) As money from customer Group By customername,product With Rollup Having customername Is Null Or product Is Not Null
Drop Table customer
name product money
A A1 200.0000
A A2 300.0000
B B1 200.0000
NULL NULL 700.0000