当前位置: 代码迷 >> Sql Server >> 这个统计如何做?


热度:23   发布时间:2016-04-27 17:32:06.0
有这样一张表,我现在要统计Code=2   的Num数量,Num中存在非数字字符,
Code     Num
1           1
2           1
3           2
4           d
2           e
2           3
Num   应该为   4

select sum(case when ISNUMERIC(num)=1 then num else 0 end) from #ad where Code=2
select sum(Num) from 表名 where Code=2 and isnumeric(Num)=1
wgzaaa() 正解
select sum(case when ISNUMERIC(isnull(num,0))=1 then num else 0 end) from #ad where Code=2
select count(num) from tablename where code=1 and IsNUMERIC(num)=1
select sum(case when ISNUMERIC(isnull(num,0))=1 then convert(int,num) else 0 end) from #ad where Code=2
select sum(convert(int,num)) from tablename where code= '2 ' and IsNUMERIC(num)=1
select count(case when ISNUMERIC(num)=1 then num else 0 end) from #ad where Code=2