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热度:30   发布时间:2016-04-27 17:10:06.0
SQL code
这样的数据结构ID  COL1  COL2 COL31    1     2    32    1     2    33    1     1    2 要显示的结果ID  COL1  COL2 COL31,2  1     2    33    1     1    2这个SQL要怎么写啊 

SQL code
select id=stuff((select ','+rtrim(id) from tb        where col2=a.col2 and col3=a.col3 and col4=a.col4 from xml path('')),1,1,''),       col2,col3,col4from tb group by col2,col3,col4
select id=stuff((select ','+CONVERT(varchar,id) from tb where tb.col1=a.col1 and col2=a.col2
 and col3=a.col3 for xml path('')),1,1,'') ,col1,col2,col3 from tb a group by col1,col2,col3;