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热度:7   发布时间:2016-04-27 15:27:25.0
auno int
type int
stat varchar
auno type stat
2659 807 TYPE
2658 805 CHIPSET
2655 806 TYPE
2661 808 CHIPSET
2654 802 WxHxD(mm)
2741 804 Weight(Kg/Pound)

我想要实现这种效果:当stat中内容跟前面有重复时, stat内容的后面加1
auno type stat
2659 807 TYPE
2658 805 CHIPSET
2655 806 TYPE1
2661 808 CHIPSET1
2654 802 WxHxD(mm)
2741 804 Weight(Kg/Pound)

这样的sql语句怎么写啊? 望大虾帮忙。。。

SQL code
use testgodeclare @t table (auno int,  type  int,    stat nvarchar(50))insert @t select 2659, 807, 'TYPE' insert @t select 2658, 805, 'CHIPSET' insert @t select 2655, 806, 'TYPE' insert @t select 2661, 808, 'CHIPSET' insert @t select 2654, 802, 'WxHxD(mm)' insert @t select 2741, 804, 'Weight(Kg/Pound)' select auno,type,[stat]=stat+case when (select count(1) from @t where stat=t.stat and auno>t.auno)=0 then '' else     rtrim((select count(1) from @t where stat=t.stat and auno>t.auno)) endfrom @t tauno        type        stat                                                           ----------- ----------- -------------------------- 2659        807         TYPE2658        805         CHIPSET12655        806         TYPE12661        808         CHIPSET2654        802         WxHxD(mm)2741        804         Weight(Kg/Pound)(所影响的行数为 6 行)
SQL code
create table tb(auno  int ,type int ,stat  varchar(20) )insert into tb values(2659, 807, 'TYPE') insert into tb values(2658, 805, 'CHIPSET') insert into tb values(2655, 806, 'TYPE') insert into tb values(2661, 808, 'CHIPSET') insert into tb values(2654, 802, 'WxHxD(mm)') insert into tb values(2741, 804, 'Weight(Kg/Pound)') goselect auno,type,stat = case when px > 1 then stat+'1' else stat end from(  select px=(select count(1) from tb where stat=a.stat and auno<a.auno)+1 , * from tb a) torder by aunodrop table tb/*auno        type        stat                  ----------- ----------- --------------------- 2654        802         WxHxD(mm)2655        806         TYPE2658        805         CHIPSET2659        807         TYPE12661        808         CHIPSET12741        804         Weight(Kg/Pound)(所影响的行数为 6 行)*/
SQL code
create table t3(auno int,type int,stat varchar(50))insert into t3 select 2659, 807, 'TYPE' insert into t3 select 2658, 805 ,'CHIPSET' insert into t3 select 2655, 806, 'TYPE' insert into t3 select 2661, 808, 'CHIPSET' insert into t3 select 2654 ,802, 'WxHxD(mm)' insert into t3 select 2741, 804, 'Weight(Kg/Pound)' select auno,type,stat + replace(right(cast((select count(1) from t3 where auno<a.auno and a.stat=t3.stat) as varchar),1),'0','') stat from t3 a
SQL code
use testgodeclare @t table (auno int,  type  int,    stat nvarchar(50))insert @t select 2659, 807, 'TYPE' insert @t select 2658, 805, 'CHIPSET' insert @t select 2655, 806, 'TYPE' insert @t select 2661, 808, 'CHIPSET' insert @t select 2654, 802, 'WxHxD(mm)' insert @t select 2741, 804, 'Weight(Kg/Pound)' select     t1.auno,    t1.type,    [stat]=t1.stat+case when t2.con=0 then '' else rtrim(t2.con) endfrom     @t t1left join    (select auno,con=(select count(1) from @t where stat=t.stat and auno>t.auno) from @t t)t2on t1.auno=t2.aunoauno        type        stat                                                           ----------- ----------- -------------------------- 2659        807         TYPE2658        805         CHIPSET12655        806         TYPE12661        808         CHIPSET2654        802         WxHxD(mm)2741        804         Weight(Kg/Pound)(所影响的行数为 6 行)