当前位置: 代码迷 >> Sql Server >> 继续请问一个面试题目,高手帮忙啊先谢了


热度:40   发布时间:2016-04-27 15:21:09.0
A   company   has   several   small   tables   in   their   database.   These   tables   consisted   of   two   columns   and   less   than   one   thousand   rows.  

Below   an   example   of   table   schema,
create   table   hairColor
hairColorID int   identity(1,1),
description varchar(16)   not   null

insert   into   hairColor   values(‘Brown’)
insert   into   hairColor   values(‘Blonde’)

create   table   eyeColor
eyeColorID int   identity(1,1),
name varchar(10)   not   null

insert   into   hairColor   values(‘Black’)
insert   into   hairColor   values(‘Grey’)

create   table   submitStatus
statusID int   identity(1,1),
description varchar(30)   not   null


How   would   you   combine   these   tables   into   one   table   and   enforce   the   data   integrity?   Please   provide   the   table   schema   and   few   insert   statement   to   demonstration   how   to   fill   the   table.

create table T
id int identity(1,1),
description varchar(30) not null,
flag varchar(02) not null

insert into T(description,flag)
select 'Brown ', 'H ' union all
select 'Blonde ', 'H ' union all
select 'Black ', 'E ' union all
select 'Gray ', 'E ' union all
select 'xxx ', 'S '
create table T
id int identity(1,1),
description varchar(30) not null,
eyeColorID int not null,
hairColorID int not null,
statusID int not null
create table hairColor
hairColorID int identity(1,1),
description varchar(16) not null

insert into hairColor values(‘Brown’)
insert into hairColor values(‘Blonde’)

create table eyeColor
eyeColorID int identity(1,1),
name varchar(10) not null

insert into hairColor values(‘Black’)
insert into hairColor values(‘Grey’)

create table submitStatus
statusID int identity(1,1),
description varchar(30) not null


select id=identity(int,1,1),* into #t from
select description,1 as flag from hairColor
union all
select description,2 from eyeColor
union all
select description,3 from submitStatus
