当前位置: 代码迷 >> Sql Server >> sql2005中数据怎么导出为insert脚本语句呢


热度:79   发布时间:2016-04-27 13:34:14.0





SQL code
--SQL Server里面导出SQL脚本(表数据的insert语句)CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.UspOutputData @tablename sysname AS declare @column varchar(1000) declare @columndata varchar(1000) declare @sql varchar(4000) declare @xtype tinyint declare @name sysname declare @objectId int declare @objectname sysname declare @ident int set nocount on set @objectId=object_id(@tablename) if @objectId is null -- 判断对象是否存在 begin print 'The object not exists' return end set @objectname=rtrim(object_name(@objectId)) if @objectname is null or charindex(@objectname,@tablename)=0 --此判断不严密 begin print 'object not in current database' return end if OBJECTPROPERTY(@objectId,'IsTable') < > 1 -- 判断对象是否是table begin print 'The object is not table' return end select @ident=status&0x80 from syscolumns where [email protected] and status&0x80=0x80 if @ident is not null print 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT [email protected]+' ON' declare syscolumns_cursor cursorfor select c.name,c.xtype from syscolumns c where [email protected] order by c.colid open syscolumns_cursor set @column='' set @columndata='' fetch next from syscolumns_cursor into @name,@xtype while @@fetch_status < >-1 begin if @@fetch_status < >-2 begin if @xtype not in(189,34,35,99,98) --timestamp不需处理,image,text,ntext,sql_variant 暂时不处理 begin set @[email protected]+case when len(@column)=0 then'' else ',[email protected] set @[email protected]+case when len(@columndata)=0 then '' else ','','','end +case when @xtype in(167,175) then [email protected]+'+''''''''' --varchar,char when @xtype in(231,239) then [email protected]+'+''''''''' --nvarchar,nchar when @xtype=61 then '''''''''+convert(char(23),[email protected]+',121)+''''''''' --datetime when @xtype=58 then '''''''''+convert(char(16),[email protected]+',120)+''''''''' --smalldatetime when @xtype=36 then '''''''''+convert(char(36),[email protected]+')+''''''''' --uniqueidentifier else @name end end end fetch next from syscolumns_cursor into @name,@xtype end close syscolumns_cursor deallocate syscolumns_cursor set @sql='set nocount on select ''insert [email protected]+'([email protected]+') values(''as ''--'',[email protected]+','')'' from [email protected] print [email protected] exec(@sql) if @ident is not null print 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT [email protected]+' OFF' GO
话说有个工具叫SQL Brower,也许可以帮到你。。
SQL code
--将表数据生成SQL脚本的存储过程 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.UspOutputData @tablename sysname AS declare @column varchar(1000) declare @columndata varchar(1000) declare @sql varchar(4000) declare @xtype tinyint declare @name sysname declare @objectId int declare @objectname sysname declare @ident int set nocount on set @objectId=object_id(@tablename) if @objectId is null -- 判断对象是否存在 begin print 'The object not exists' return end set @objectname=rtrim(object_name(@objectId)) if @objectname is null or charindex(@objectname,@tablename)=0 --此判断不严密 begin print 'object not in current database' return end if OBJECTPROPERTY(@objectId,'IsTable') < > 1 -- 判断对象是否是table begin print 'The object is not table' return end select @ident=status&0x80 from syscolumns where [email protected] and status&0x80=0x80 if @ident is not null print 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT [email protected]+' ON' declare syscolumns_cursor cursor for select c.name,c.xtype from syscolumns c where [email protected] order by c.colid open syscolumns_cursor set @column='' set @columndata='' fetch next from syscolumns_cursor into @name,@xtype while @@fetch_status < >-1 begin if @@fetch_status < >-2 begin if @xtype not in(189,34,35,99,98) --timestamp不需处理,image,text,ntext,sql_variant 暂时不处理 begin set @[email protected]+case when len(@column)=0 then'' else ',[email protected] set @[email protected]+case when len(@columndata)=0 then '' else ','','',' end +case when @xtype in(167,175) then [email protected]+'+''''''''' --varchar,char when @xtype in(231,239) then [email protected]+'+''''''''' --nvarchar,nchar when @xtype=61 then '''''''''+convert(char(23),[email protected]+',121)+''''''''' --datetime when @xtype=58 then '''''''''+convert(char(16),[email protected]+',120)+''''''''' --smalldatetime when @xtype=36 then '''''''''+convert(char(36),[email protected]+')+''''''''' --uniqueidentifier else @name end end end fetch next from syscolumns_cursor into @name,@xtype end close syscolumns_cursor deallocate syscolumns_cursor set @sql='set nocount on select ''insert [email protected]+'([email protected]+') values(''as ''--'',[email protected]+','')'' from [email protected] print [email protected] exec(@sql) if @ident is not null print 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT [email protected]+' OFF' GO exec UspOutputData 你的表名