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热度:77   发布时间:2016-04-27 10:45:24.0
用户名 金额 时间
a 1 2012-9-22 14:06:58
b 3 2012-9-30 14:06:58
c 2 2012-8-30 14:06:58
d 5 2012-8-14 14:06:58

求上上月和上月(不是8月和9月,有可能是9月10月)金额统计 (金额是累加起来的),要考虑跨年 。

sql 语句要怎么写

SQL code
select sum(金额) 金额, convert(char(6),时间 , 112) 年月 from TBwhere datediff(mm,时间,getdate())<3 and  datediff(mm,时间,getdate())> 0group by  convert(char(6),时间 , 112)
select sum(金额) 金额, userName, convert(char(6),时间 , 112) 年月 from TB
where datediff(mm,时间,getdate())<3 and datediff(mm,时间,getdate())> 0
group by convert(char(6),时间 , 112),userName
SQL code
--最猥琐的方法实现的,我也不知道你统计的时候按不按用户分组,嘿嘿!create table test(    username varchar(20),    sum decimal(18,5),    CreateDate datetime)insert into test values('a', 1 ,GETDATE()-30)insert into test values('b', 3 ,GETDATE()-30)insert into test values('c', 2 ,GETDATE()-30)insert into test values('d', 5 ,GETDATE()-30)Create PROCEDURE testGetData    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here    ASBEGIN    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from    -- interfering with SELECT statements.    SET NOCOUNT ON;    -- Insert statements for procedure here            declare @year char(4),@month char(2),@beginDate varchar(10),@endDate varchar(10)    set @year=year(getdate())    set @month=month(getdate())    if(@month=1)        begin            set @beginDate=cast(@year-1 as varchar(4))+'11-01'            set @endDate=cast(@year as varchar(4))+'01-01'        end    else if(@month=2)        begin            set @beginDate=cast(@year-1 as varchar(4))+'12-01'            set @endDate=cast(@year as varchar(4))+'02-01'        end    else         begin            set @beginDate=cast((@year-1)as varchar(10))+'-'+cast((@month-2)as varchar(2))+'-01'            set @endDate=cast(@year as varchar(10))+'-'+cast((@month)as varchar(2))+'-01'         end        print @beginDate    print @endDate    select username, SUM(sum) as totle from test    where CreateDate >= CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@beginDate,120) and CreateDate< CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@endDate,120)     group by usernameENDGO