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QList erase 函数的有关问题

热度:703   发布时间:2016-04-25 05:12:00.0
QList erase 函数的问题 !
我的 QList 里面放的是指针,所以 erase 的时候需要把该指针从 list 中拿出来,同时需要释放该指针指向的内存,所以我的代码如下:

C/C++ code
if( *(iter) == xxxxx ) {    mylist.erase( iter );    delete (*iter);}// ......qDeleteAll( mylist );mylist.clear();

执行到 qDeleteAll 的时候程序崩溃,请问我该怎么写?

if( *(iter) == xxxxx ) {
mylist.erase( iter );
delete (*iter);
if( *(iter) == xxxxx ) {
delete (*iter);
mylist.erase( iter );

qDeleteAll已经可以帮你做这个事情了, 所以只要调用这句就可以了. 
如果只想清除列表内容, 而不像释放列表中指针所指的对象, 那应该用mylist.clear();

void qDeleteAll ( ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end )
Deletes all the items in the range [begin, end) using the C++ delete operator. The item type must be a pointer type (for example, QWidget *).

Notice that qDeleteAll() doesn't remove the items from the container; it merely calls delete on them. In the example above, we call clear() on the container to remove the items.
This function can also be used to delete items stored in associative containers, such as QMap and QHash. Only the objects stored in each container will be deleted by this function; objects used as keys will not be deleted.
erase 的时候会改变 iterator 的值,会指向下一个值。所以delete 的时候其实是delete 了一下个。

当iterator= 最后一个时,delete 这局也会出错。。