当前位置: 代码迷 >> python >> 深度优先搜索,递归,For循环和返回


热度:59   发布时间:2023-06-13 15:34:58.0

我正在尝试实现DFS算法,以找出start节点和target节点之间是否存在路径。 这是我到目前为止的代码:

# Depth-first search
def find_path2(s, t):
    s.visited = True

    if s.data == t.data:
        return True

    for node in s.neighbors:
        if not node.visited:
            return find_path2(graph, node, t)

node_0 = Node(0)
node_1 = Node(1)
node_2 = Node(2)
node_3 = Node(3)
node_4 = Node(4)
node_5 = Node(5)
node_6 = Node(6)

node_0.neighbors = [node_1]
node_1.neighbors = [node_2]
node_2.neighbors = [node_3, node_0]
node_3.neighbors = [node_2]
node_4.neighbros = [node_6]
node_5.neighbros = [node_4]
node_6.neighbors = [node_5]

start = node_2
target = node_0

if find_path2(start, target):
    print("There is a path between {} and {}".format(start.data, target.data))
    print("There is no path between {} and {}".format(start.data, target.data))

node_2同时具有node_3和node_0作为邻居,因此它应该打印出它们之间存在路径。 我知道return语句在第一次执行过程中会退出for循环,因为return语句会退出函数,因此永远不会访问node_0。

我的问题是,最优雅的方法是什么? 谢谢!


def find_path2(s, t):
    s.visited = True

    if s.data == t.data:
        return True

    for node in s.neighbors:
        if not node.visited:
            if find_path2(node, t):
                return True
    return False