当前位置: 代码迷 >> PB >> 怎么获得retrieve的参数


热度:27   发布时间:2016-04-29 08:16:03.0

说的不清楚,你怎么传递的参数啊,定义相同类型的变量 ,接收啊
当sqlpreviewtype = previewselect! 时,提取SQLSyntax, 然后跟dw_1.getssqlselect()的串进行比对
建DW 对象的时候,试一下这样写SQL语句:
select :as_arg as col0, col1, col2, ....
from table 
where colx=:as_arg

这样,检索出有数据的时候,其中col0 列的数据就是传入的参数。

方法二 到grid的SQL界面 选design-->retrieve argument 然后在下面写SQL就OK啦
建DW 对象的时候,试一下这样写SQL语句:
select :as_arg as col0, col1, col2, ....
from table
where colx=:as_arg

这样,检索出有数据的时候,其中col0 列的数据就是传入的参数。

C# code
建DW 对象的时候,试一下这样写SQL语句:
select :as_arg as col0, col1, col2, ....
from table
where colx=:as_arg

这样,检索出有数据的时候,其中col0 列的数据就是传入的参数。


// Public Function: of_DWArguments (Format 1)
// Arguments: adwc_obj: DataWindow child to determine if there are arguments
// as_argnames[]: A string array (by reference) to hold the argument names
// as_argdatatypes[]: A string array (by reference) to hold argument datatypes
// Returns: Integer - The number of arguments found
// Description: Determines if a DataWindowChild has arguments and what they are.
// Note: This function has a (Format 2) which is very similar.
// Rev. History Version
// 5.0 Initial version
// 5.0.01 Fixed bug so that reference arguments are populated correctly
// 5.0.01 Function returns -1 if DataWindowChild reference is not valid
// 5.0.02 Added Stored Procedures support.
// 5.0.04 Fixed bug which prevented the looping around multiple arguments.
// 8.0 Switched to use new Describe String to get arguments
// 9.0 Fix CR305452
// Copyright ?1996-2003 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Any distribution of the 
// PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC) source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.
string ls_dwargs, ls_dwargswithtype[], ls_args[], ls_types[]
long ll_a, ll_args, ll_pos
n_cst_string lnv_string

// Check arguments