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热度:70   发布时间:2023-11-21 21:41:56.0




考虑到现实中单独使用小世界网络上的疾病传播模型极少,大多为无标度网络模型。在此展示的小世界网络基本模型,主要来源于NetLogo模型库中的Small Worlds






假设人与人间构成了 BA 网络,人类社会组织存在小世界性、无标度性;而个体间存在差异,结点的度服从幂律分布。由此将小世界和无标度网络模型相结合构建的模型。




]globals[remain-hospital-segregation-area]to setupclear-allreset-tickscreate-turtles population[set shape "circle"set initial-xcor (random-xcor * 0.95)set initial-ycor (random-ycor * 0.95)setxy initial-xcor initial-ycorset received? 0become-susceptible]ask n-of initial-infectious-num turtles[become-exposed]set remain-hospital-segregation-area hospital-patient-segregation-area
endto goask turtles [move-turltesspreadtransform]received-and-curedtick
endto received-and-curedlet current-time ticksif current-time >= (receive-cure-response-time + latent-time)[ask n-of remain-hospital-segregation-area patches [if receive-rate >= random-float 1[ ;;receive-rate影响收治效率let agents turtles-hereif count agents > 0[ask one-of agents[if state = 2 and received? = 0 [if remain-hospital-segregation-area > 0 [set remain-hospital-segregation-area (remain-hospital-segregation-area - 1)set received? 1recovery]]]]]]let has-infected-not-cure turtles with [state = 2 and received? = 1 and cured? = 0]let num count has-infected-not-cureif num > 0 [ask has-infected-not-cure [recovery]]]
endto move-turltesifelse human-flow-range = 0[fd 0][if random-float 1 < 0.2[set heading random 360]ifelse (distancexy initial-xcor initial-ycor) < human-flow-range[fd 1][facexy initial-xcor initial-ycorfd 1]]
endto spreadlet touch-agents other turtles-hereif count touch-agents >= 1[if (state = 1 or state = 2) and received? = 0 [ask touch-agents with [state = 0][infect-turtles]]]
endto transformif state = 1[let current-ticks ticksif current-ticks - exposed-start >= latent-time[if transform-rate >= random-float 1 [become-infected]]]
endto recoveryif state = 2 and recovery-rate >= random-float 1 [become-recovered]
endto infect-turtlesif infection-rate >= random-float 1[become-exposed]
endto become-susceptibleset state 0set color green
endto become-exposedset state 1set color yellowset exposed-start ticks
endto become-infectedset state 2set color redset cured? 0
endto become-recoveredset state 3set color blueset cured? 1







]to setupclear-allset-default-shape turtles "circle"make-node nobodymake-node turtle 0reset-ticks
endto goask links [ set color gray ]make-node find-partnertickif layout? [ layout ]
endto setup2ask turtles [set infected? falseset resistant? false]ask n-of initial-outbreak-size turtles[ become-infected ]reset-ticks
endto set-all-susceptibleask turtles [set color blue]
endto remove-infectedask turtles with [color = red][set color blue]
endto spreadif all? turtles [not infected?][ stop ]ask turtles[set virus-check-timer virus-check-timer + 1if virus-check-timer >= virus-check-frequency[ set virus-check-timer 0 ]]spread-virusdo-virus-checkstick
endto make-node [old-node]create-turtles 1[set color blueif old-node != nobody[ create-link-with old-node [ set color green ]move-to old-nodefd 8]]
endto-report find-partnerreport [one-of both-ends] of one-of links
endto resize-nodesifelse all? turtles [size <= 1][ask turtles [ set size sqrt count link-neighbors ]][ask turtles [ set size 1 ]]
endto layoutrepeat 3 [let factor sqrt count turtleslayout-spring turtles links (1 / factor) (7 / factor) (1 / factor)display]let x-offset max [xcor] of turtles + min [xcor] of turtleslet y-offset max [ycor] of turtles + min [ycor] of turtlesset x-offset limit-magnitude x-offset 0.1set y-offset limit-magnitude y-offset 0.1ask turtles [ setxy (xcor - x-offset / 2) (ycor - y-offset / 2) ]
endto-report limit-magnitude [number limit]if number > limit [ report limit ]if number < (- limit) [ report (- limit) ]report number
endto become-infectedset infected? trueset resistant? falseset color red
endto become-susceptibleset infected? falseset resistant? falseset color blue
endto become-resistantset infected? falseset resistant? trueset color grayask my-links [ set color gray - 2 ]
endto spread-virusask turtles with [ infected? ][ ask link-neighbors with [not resistant?][ if random-float 100 < virus-spread-chance[ become-infected ] ] ]
endto do-virus-checksask turtles with [infected? and virus-check-timer = 0][if random 100 < recovery-chance[ifelse random 100 < gain-resistance-chance[ become-resistant ][ become-susceptible ]]]



  1. 随机网络的箭线和节点不一定都能实现,实现的可能性取决于节点的类型和箭线的概率系数;

  2. 随机网络中各项活动的时间可以是常数,也可以是服从某种概率分布的密度函数,更具有不确定性;

  3. 随机网络中可以有循环回路,表示节点或活动可以重复出现;

  4. 随机网络中的两个中间节点之间可以有一条以上箭线;

  5. 随机网络中可以有多个目标,每个目标反映一个具体的结果,即可以有多个起点或终点

传统的随机网络(如ER模型),尽管连接是随机设置的,但大部分节点的连接数目会大致相同,即节点的分布方式遵循钟形的泊松分布,有一个特征性的“平均数”。连接数目比平均数高许多或低许多的节点都极少,随着连接数的增大,其概率呈指数式迅速递减。故随机网络亦称指数网络。随机图中一个有趣的性质是,当节点的平均度数达到1的时候,网络中就会出现一个明显的巨大部分(giant component)本模型主要来源于NetLogo模型库中的Giant Component




随着周数的增加,感染者的人数在不断增加,但是随着人为干预的效果逐渐增加,治愈的和有免疫力的人数也在不断增加,类似于生物学中的拮抗作用,此时感染者的人数就开始下降了,最终趋近于0,健康的人和有免疫力的人都在不断增加,疾病传播得到有效的抑制。与其他网络模型不同的是,我们可以看到随机网的是基于一个人,以此为基准随机产生的关系进行传播 。


turtles-own[ sick?remaining-immunitysick-timeage ]globals[ %infected%immunelifespanchance-reproducecarrying-capacityimmunity-duration ]to setupclear-allsetup-constantssetup-turtlesupdate-global-variablesupdate-displayreset-ticks
endto setup-turtlescreate-turtles number-people[ setxy random-xcor random-ycorset age random lifespanset sick-time 0set remaining-immunity 0set size 1.5get-healthy ]ask n-of 10 turtles[ get-sick ]
endto get-sickset sick? trueset remaining-immunity 0
endto get-healthyset sick? falseset remaining-immunity 0set sick-time 0
endto become-immuneset sick? falseset sick-time 0set remaining-immunity immunity-durationask my-links [ die ]
endto setup-constantsset lifespan 50 * 52set carrying-capacity 300set chance-reproduce 1set immunity-duration 52
endto goask turtles [get-oldermoveif sick? [ recover-or-die ]ifelse sick? [ infect ] [ reproduce ]]update-global-variablesupdate-displaytick
endto update-global-variablesif count turtles > 0[ set %infected (count turtles with [ sick? ] / count turtles) * 100set %immune (count turtles with [ immune? ] / count turtles) * 100 ]
endto update-displayask turtles[ if shape != turtle-shape [ set shape turtle-shape ]set label ifelse-value show-age? [ floor (age / 52) ] [ "" ]set color ifelse-value sick? [ red ] [ ifelse-value immune? [ grey ] [ green ] ] ]stop-inspecting-dead-agentsif watch-a-person? and subject = nobody[ watch one-of turtles with [ not hidden? ]clear-drawingask subject [ pen-down ]inspect subject ]if not watch-a-person? and subject != nobody[ stop-inspecting subjectask subject[ pen-upask my-links [ die ] ]clear-drawingreset-perspective ]
endto get-olderset age age + 1if age > lifespan [ die ]if immune? [ set remaining-immunity remaining-immunity - 1 ]if sick? [ set sick-time sick-time + 1 ]
endto movert random 100lt random 100fd 1
endto infectask other turtles-here with [ not sick? and not immune? ][ if random-float 100 < infectiousness[ get-sickif self = subject[ create-link-with myself[ set color redset thickness .3 ] ] ] ]
endto recover-or-dieif sick-time > duration[ ifelse random-float 100 < chance-recover[ become-immune ][ die ] ]
endto reproduceif count turtles < carrying-capacity and random-float 100 < chance-reproduce[ hatch 1[ set age 1lt 45 fd 1pen-upget-healthy ] ]
endto-report immune?report remaining-immunity > 0
endto startupsetup-constants


本程序使用NetLogo6.2.0版本,可以从 NetLogo 6.2.0下载地址 下载