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android学习笔记:activity(7)-fragment lifecycle

热度:19   发布时间:2023-11-20 22:20:13.0

1.To manage lifecycle,Fragment implements(实现)LifecycleOwner,exposing a Lifecycle object that you can access through the getLifecycle() method.

2.The onAttach() callback is invoked(调用) when the fragment has been added to a FragmentManager and is attached(附属的) to its host(主) activity.onAttach() is always called before any Lifecycle state changes

3.The onDetach() callback is invoked when the fragment has been removed from a FragmentManager and is detached(分离) from its host activity.onDetach() is always called after any Lifecycle state changes

4.note that these callbacks are unrelated to the FragmentTransaction methods attach() and detach()


6.A fragment's maximum(最大状态) state is determined by its FragmentManager.A fragment cannot progress beyond the state of its FragmentManager.

7.As part of a FragmentTransaction, you can set a maximum lifecycle state on a fragment using setMaxLifecycle()

8.A fragment's lifecycle state can never be greater than its parent.For example,a parent fragment or activity must be started before its child fragments.Likewise(同样的),child fragments must be stopped before their parent fragment or activity

9.Caution:Avoid vsing the<fragment>tag to add a fragment using XML,as the <fragment>tag allwos a fragment to move beyond the state of its FragmentManager.Instead,always use FragmentContainerView for adding a fragment using XML.

10.Each possible Lifecycle state is represented in the Lifecycle State enum


11.The Fragment class includes callback methods that correspond to each of the changes in a fragment's lifecycle.These include onCreate(),onStart(),onResume(),onPause(),onStopr()and onDestory()

12.fragment的视图有一个独立的生命周期,该生命周期独立于片段的生命周期进行管理.Fragments maintain a LifecycleOwner for their view,which can be accessed using getViewLifecycleOwner() or getViewLifecycleOwnerLiveData(),




