当前位置: 代码迷 >> 综合 >> Day06:字符串


热度:36   发布时间:2023-09-29 18:37:20.0
  • 初始化空串
var emptyString = ""
var anotherEmptyString = ""
//isEmpty 检查是否为空串
if emptyString.isEmpty{print("emptyString isEmpty ")
  • 字面量
//所谓字面量,就是指像特定的数字,字符串或者是布尔值这样,能够直接了当地指出自己的类型并为变量进行赋值的值。let intNumber = 12         //整型字面量
let hellowString = "Hello!"   //字符串字面量
let isBool = true        //布尔值字面量//字符串字面量是被双引号包括的固定顺序文本字符、swift会自动推断类型。
let stringContent = "some string"
  • 多行字面量
let swiftAbout = """
This tutorial guides you through building Landmarks — an app for discovering and sharing the places you love. You’ll start by building the view that shows a landmark’s details.
To lay out the views, Landmarks uses stacks to combine and layer the image and text view components. To add a map to the view, you’ll include a standard MapKit component. As you refine the view’s design, Xcode provides real-time feedback so you can see how those changes translate into code.
Download the project files to begin building this project, and follow the steps below.
let otherSwiftAbout = """
This tutorial guides you through building Landmarks — an app for discovering and sharing the places you love. You’ll start by building the view that shows a landmark’s details.\
To lay out the views, Landmarks uses stacks to combine and layer the image and text view components. To add a map to the view, you’ll include a standard MapKit component. As you refine the view’s design, Xcode provides real-time feedback so you can see how those changes translate into code.\
Download the project files to begin building this project, and follow the steps below.
let lineBreaks = """This string starts with a line break.
It also ends with a line break."""
let otherLineBreaks = """This string starts with a line break.It also ends with a line break.This string starts with a line break.It also ends with a line break.
  • 字符串里的特殊字符
//转义字符 \0(空字符)、\\(反斜线)、\t(水平制表符)、\n(换行符)、\r(回车符)、\"(双引号)、\'(单引号)。
let wiseWords = "\"Imagination is more important than knowledge\" - Einstein"
// "Imageination is more important than knowledge" - Enistein
//Unicode 标量,写成 \u{n}(u 为小写),其中 n 为任意一到八位十六进制数且可用的 Unicode 位码。
let dollarSign = "\u{24}"             // $,Unicode 标量 U+0024
let blackHeart = "\u{2665}"           // ?,Unicode 标量 U+2665
let sparklingHeart = "\u{1F496}"      // ?,Unicode 标量 U+1F496
  • 扩展字符串分隔符(Raw Strng)
let rawStr1 = #"Line 1\nLIne 2"#
let rawStr2 = #"Line 1\#nLIne 2"#
  • 字符串的可变性
//var 指定的可以修改、let指定的不可修改
var variableString = "Horse"
variableString += " and carriage"let otherVariableString = "Horse"
//otherVariableString += " and carriage" //错误:left side of mutating operator isn't mutable
  • 字符串是值类型
//String 值在传递给方法或者函数的时候会被复制过去,赋值给常量或者变量的时候也是一样。swift编译器优化了字符串使用的资源,实际上拷贝只会在确实需要的时候才会进行。var hlepStr = "help"
var otherHelpStr = hlepStr
print(hlepStr == otherHelpStr)//true
hlepStr += " dog"
print(hlepStr)//help dog
print(hlepStr == otherHelpStr)//false//操作字符串
for item in "Dog is ?"{print(item)
let catCharacter:[Character] = ["C","a","t","!"]
let catString = String(catCharacter)
  • 字符串拼接
var appentStr = "hellow"
appentStr = appentStr + "world"
appentStr += "!"
  • 字符串穿插值
let multipier = 2
let message = "\(multipier) time 2.5 is \(Double(multipier) * 2.5)"
  • 字符串索引
let greeting = "Guten Tag!"
print(greeting[greeting.index(before: greeting.endIndex)])//!
print(greeting[greeting.index(after: greeting.startIndex)])//u
let indexItem = greeting.index(greeting.startIndex,offsetBy:3)
  • 插入
var welcome = "hellow"
welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.endIndex)
welcome.insert(contentsOf: "there", at: welcome.index(before: welcome.endIndex))
  • 移除
welcome.remove(at: welcome.index(before: welcome.endIndex))
let rangNewIndex = welcome.index(welcome.endIndex,offsetBy:6)..<welcome.endIndex
  • 子字符串
let winowStr = "Hello,World !"
let winowIndex = winowStr.index(of: ",") ?? winowStr.endIndex
let beginning = winowStr[..<winowIndex]
let newWinowStr = String(beginning)
  • 子字符串重用一部分原字符串的内存,修改字符串或者子字符串之前都不需要花费拷贝内存的代价。String和Substring都遵循StringProtocol协议,也就是说他基本上能很方便地兼容所有接受StringProtocol值的字符串操作函数。


  • 字符串比较 
var snowTTSStr = "??"
var snowTTSStr1 = "雪:??"
print(snowTTSStr == snowTTSStr1)//前缀相等hasPreFix(_:),后缀相等性hasSuffix(_:)。