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翻译:Swarm intelligence群体智慧

热度:75   发布时间:2024-03-09 10:44:18.0

The Smart Swarm

by Peter Miller 

The study of swarms is providing insights that can help humans manage complex systems, from online search engines to military robots.


How do the simple actions of individuals add up to the complex behaviour of a group? How do hundreds of honeybees make a critical decision about their hive if many of them disagree? What enables a school of herring to coordinate its movements so precisely it can change direction in a flash, like a single, silvery organism? The answer has to do with a remarkable phenomenon I call smart swarm.


A smart swarm is a group of individuals who respond to one another and to their environment in ways that give them power, as a group to cope with uncertainty, complexity, and change. Take birds, for example. There's a small park near the White House in Washington, D.C., where I like to watch flocks of pigeons swirl over the traffic and trees. Sooner or later, the birds come to rest on ledges of buildings surrounding the park. Then something disrupts them, and they're off again in synchronised flight.


The birds don't have a leader. No pigeon is telling the others what to do. Instead, they're each paying close attention to the pigeons next to them, each bird following simple rules as they wheel across the sky. These rules add up to another kind of swarm intelligence—one that has less to do with making decisions than with precisely coordinating movement.


Craig Reynolds, a computer graphics researcher, was curious about what these rules might be. So, in 1986, he created a deceptively simple steering program called boids. In this simulation, generic birdlike objects, or boids, were each given three instructions: 1) avoid crowding nearby boids, 2) fly in the average direction of nearby boids, and 3) stay close to nearby boids. The result, when set in motion on a computer screen, was a convincing simulation of flocking, including lifelike and unpredictable movements.

计算机图形学家Craig Reynolds很好奇这些背后的规则到底是什么。所以,他在1986年开发了看似简单的导向程序boids。在此模拟过程中,每个设计成鸟类形状的物体,也就是boids,都收到三个指令:1)与周边的boids保持一定远的距离以避免挤压,2)以周边boids的平均方向作为飞行方向,3)与周边的boids保持一定近的距离以保持队形。从电脑屏幕上的运行情况来看,这一试验的最终动态,包括栩栩如生又不可人为预测的各种动作,正是对鸟群群集的成功模拟。

At the time, Reynolds was looking for ways to depict animals realistically in TV shows and films. (Batman Returns in 1992 was the first movie to use his approach, portraying a swarm of bats and an army of penguins.) Today he works at Sony doing research for games, such as an algorithm that simulates in real time as many as 15,000 interacting birds, fish, or people.

当时,Reynolds在寻找在电视和电影中逼真描绘动物的方法。(1992年的《蝙蝠侠归来(Batman Returns)》是第一部运用其想法的电影,影片中描绘了一群蝙蝠和一队企鹅)如今他在索尼公司从事游戏研究,开发例如能够实时模拟多达15000只相互交流的鸟、鱼或人所组成的群体的算法。

By demonstrating the power of self-organizing models to mimic swarm behaviour, Reynolds was also blazing the trail for robotics engineers. A team of robots that could coordinate its actions like a flock of birds could offer significant advantages over a solitary robot. Spread out over a large area, a group could function as a powerful mobile sensor net, gathering information about what's out there. If the group encountered something unexpected, it could adjust and respond quickly, even if the robots in the group weren't very sophisticated, just as ants are able to come up with various options by trial and error. If one member of the group were to break down, others could take its place. And, most important, control of the group could be decentralized, not dependent on a leader.


"In biology, if you look at groups with large numbers, there are very few examples where you have a central agent," says Vijay Kumar, a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Pennsylvania. "Everything is very distributed: They don't all talk to each other. They act on local information. And they're all anonymous. I don't care who moves the chair, as long as somebody moves the chair. To go from one robot to multiple robots, you need all three of those ideas."

“生物学中,你会发现大数量群体中有中心领导者的其实不多,”宾夕法尼亚大学机械工程学教授Vijay Kumar说,“一切都是分散的:它们不会跟彼此讲话。它们根据周边数据行动。个体特征被忽略。我不管是谁做的,只要有人做就行。从单个机器人推广到多个机器人,这三点都很重要。”

Within five years Kumar hopes to put a networked team of robotic vehicles in the field. One purpose might be as first responders. "Let's say there's a 911 call," he says. "The fire alarm goes off. You don't want humans to respond. You want machines to respond, to tell you what's happening. Before you send firemen into a burning building, why not send in a group of robots?"


Taking this idea one step further, Marco Dorigo's group in Brussels is leading a European effort to create a "swarmanoid," a group of cooperating robots with complementary abilities: "foot-bots" to transport things on the ground, "hand-bots" to climb walls and manipulate objects, and "eye-bots" to fly around, providing information to the other units.

布鲁塞尔的Marco Dorigo团队则更进一步。这群欧洲人尝试开发名为“swarmanoid”的分工协作式机器人组:“foot-bots”负责地面物体的传运,“hand-bots”能攀援墙面与操作物体,“eye-bots”可以飞来飞去,为其他部门提供数据信息。

The military is eager to acquire similar capabilities. On January 20, 2004, researchers released a swarm of 66 pint-size robots into an empty office building at Fort A. P. Hill, a training centre near Fredericksburg, Virginia. The mission: Find targets hidden in the building.

军方对类似应用求之若渴。2004年1月20日弗吉尼亚的弗雷德里克斯堡附近,研究人员在Fort A. P. Hill训练中心的空办公楼中测试由66个小型机器人组成的机器人集群。它们的任务是:在大楼中找到隐藏的目标。

Zipping down the main hallway, the foot-long (30 cm) red robots pivoted this way and that on their three wheels, resembling nothing so much as large insects. Eight sonars on each unit helped them avoid collisions with walls and other robots. As they spread out, entering one room after another, each robot searched for objects of interest with a small, Web-style camera. When one robot encountered another, it used wireless network gear to exchange information. ("Hey, I've already explored that part of the building. Look somewhere else.")


In the back of one room, a robot spotted something suspicious: a pink ball in an open closet (the swarm had been trained to look for anything pink). The robot froze, sending an image to its human supervisor. Soon several more robots arrived to form a perimeter around the pink intruder. Within half an hour, all six of the hidden objects had been found. The research team conducting the experiment declared the run a success. Then they started a new test.


The demonstration was part of the Centibots project, an investigation to see if as many as a hundred robots could collaborate on a mission. If they could, teams of robots might someday be sent into a hostile village to flush out terrorists or locate prisoners; into an earthquake-damaged building to find victims; onto chemical-spill sites to examine hazardous waste; or along borders to watch for intruders. Military agencies such as DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) have funded a number of robotics programs using collaborative flocks of helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, schools of torpedo-shaped underwater gliders, and herds of unmanned ground vehicles. But at the time, this was the largest swarm of robots ever tested.


"When we started Centibots, we were all thinking, this is a crazy idea, it's impossible to do," says Régis Vincent, a researcher at SRI International in Menlo Park, California. “Now we're looking to see if we can do it with a thousand robots."

“当我们开始做Centibots项目的时候,我们都觉得:这太疯狂了,根本不可能做到,”加州门罗公园的斯坦福国际咨询研究所研究人员Régis Vincent说,“而现在我们希望试试我们能不能做到一千个机器人。”

In nature, of course, animals travel in even larger numbers.


That's because, as members of a big group, whether it's a flock, school, or herd, individuals increase their chances of detecting predators, finding food, locating a mate, or following a migration route. For these animals, coordinating their movements with one another can be a matter of life or death.


"It's much harder for a predator to avoid being spotted by a thousand fish than it is to avoid being spotted by one," says Daniel Grünbaum, a biologist at the University of Washington. “News that a predator is approaching spreads quickly through a school because fish sense from their neighbours that something's going on."

“一千只鱼比一只鱼更容易发现捕食者,”华盛顿大学生物学家Daniel Grünbaum说,“捕食者正在靠近的消息能在鱼群中迅速传开,因为鱼可以从身边的同伴那里感受到危险信号。”

When a predator strikes a school of fish, the group is capable of scattering in patterns that make it almost impossible to track any individual. It might explode in a flash, create a kind of moving bubble around the predator, or fracture into multiple blobs, before coming back together and swimming away. That's the wonderful appeal of swarm intelligence. Whether we’re talking about ants, bees, pigeons, or caribou, the ingredients of smart group behavior—decentralised control, response to local cues, simple rules of thumb—add up to a shrewd strategy to cope with complexity.


"We don't even know yet what else we can do with this," says Eric Bonabeau, a complexity theorist and the chief scientist at Icosystem Corporation in Cambridge, Massachusetts. "We're not used to solving decentralised problems in a decentralised way. We can't control an emergent phenomenon like traffic by putting stop signs and lights everywhere. But the idea of shaping traffic as a self-organizing system, that’s very exciting."

“我们甚至不知道还能怎么做,”马萨诸塞剑桥Icosystem公司复杂理论学家、首席科学家Eric Bonabeau说,“我们还不适应用分散化的方法解决分散化问题。我们不能用到处放停止标志牌和交通信号灯的方法来管理交通这样的新兴现象。但把交通变成自我调节系统的想法,确实非常有意思。”

Social and political groups have already adopted crude swarm tactics. During mass protests eight years ago in Seattle, anti-globalisation activists used mobile communications devices to spread news quickly about police movements, turning an otherwise unruly crowd into a “smart mob" that was able to disperse and re-form like a school of fish.


The biggest changes may be on the Internet. Consider the way Google uses group smarts to find what you're looking for. When you type in a search query, Google surveys billions of Web pages on its index servers to identify the most relevant ones. It then ranks them by the number of pages that link to them, counting links as votes (the most popular sites get weighted votes, since they're more likely to be reliable). The pages that receive the most votes are listed first in the search results. In this way, Google says, it “uses the collective intelligence of the Web to determine a page's importance.”


Wikipedia, a free collaborative encyclopedia, has also proved to be a big success, with millions of articles in more than 200 languages about everything under the sun, each of which can be contributed by anyone or edited by anyone. "It's now possible for huge numbers of people to think together in ways we never imagined a few decades ago," says Thomas Malone of MIT's new Centre for Collective Intelligence. “No single person knows everything that's needed to deal with problems we face as a society, such as health care or climate change, but collectively we know far more than we've been able to tap so far."

事实证明维基百科获得了巨大的成功,这个自由的协作式百科全书拥有超过两百种语言写就、内容涵盖天下所有事物的数百万个词条,每个人都能贡献和修改。“如今大量用户一起协作变成可能,这是在几十年前不可想象的状况。”麻省理工学院新的集群智能中心的Thomas Malone说,“没有哪个人能够知道解决社会问题的所有相关知识,比如说医疗保障和气候变化,但以综合协作的方式,我们就能获得比我们目前所知更多的知识。”

Such thoughts underline an important truth about collective intelligence: Crowds tend to be wise only if individual members act responsibly and make their own decisions. A group won't be smart if its members imitate one another, slavishly follow fads, or wait for someone to tell them what to do. When a group is being intelligent, whether it's made up of ants or attorneys, it relies on its members to do their own part. For those of us who sometimes wonder if it’s really worth recycling that extra bottle to lighten our impact on the planet, the bottom line is that our actions matter, even if we don't see how. 


Wisdom of the Herd


Group behaviour can be vital for herd animals to avoid predators. Karsten Heuer, a wildlife biologist, and his wife, Leanne Allison, were studying a large caribou herd in Canada. When they spotted a wolf creeping toward the caribou, they noted that the herd responded with a classic swarm defence. 

群体行动是牧群动物用以防避捕食者的重要武器。野生动物学家Karsten Heuer和他的妻子Leanne Allison曾在加拿大研究一大群驯鹿。他们发现鹿群会在有狼准备悄悄靠近的时候作出经典的智群防御反应。

"The nearest caribou [to the wolf] turned and ran, and that response moved like a wave through the entire herd until they were all running.” Heuer said. Each animal turned and ran as the wolf approached it. In the end, the herd escaped over the ridge, and the wolf was left panting and gulping snow.


The herd’s evasive manoeuvres displayed not panic, but precision. Every caribou knew when it was time to run and in which direction to go, even if it didn't know exactly why. No leader was responsible for coordinating the rest of the herd. Instead, each animal was following simple rules evolved over thousands of years of wolf attacks.

鹿群的逃避策略并不是风声鹤唳草木皆兵,反而表现出高准确性。每只驯鹿都知道当时 应该逃跑、往 哪个方向跑,即使它并不清楚 为什么要跑。不需要专门的领头鹿协调调动其他成员。事实上,数千年与狼的斗争演化出一套简单的智群规则,而每一头鹿只需要遵守就行了。

