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第三章第十五题(游戏:彩票)(Game: lottery)

热度:76   发布时间:2024-02-26 09:43:05.0

第三章第十五题(游戏:彩票)(Game: lottery)

  • **3.15(游戏:彩票)修改程序清单3-8,产生三位整数的彩票。程序提示用户输入一个三位整数,然后依照下面判定用户是否赢得奖金:
  1. 如果用户输入的所有数包括顺序完全匹配彩票数字,奖金是10000美元。

  2. 如果用户输入的所有数匹配彩票的所有数字,奖金是3000美元。

  3. 如果用户输入的其中一个数匹配彩票号码中的一个数,奖金是1000美元。

    **3.15(Game: lottery) Revise Listing 3.8, Lottery.java, to generate a lottery of a three-digit number. The program prompts the user to enter a three-digit number and determines whether the user wins according to the following rules:

  4. If the user input matches the lottery number in the exact order, the award is

  5. If all digits in the user input match all digits in the lottery number, the award
    is $3,000.

  6. If one digit in the user input matches a digit in the lottery number, the award
    is $1,000.

  • 参考代码:
package chapter03;import java.util.Scanner;public class Code_15 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    int guess, guessDigit1, guessDigit2, guessDigit3;final int lotteryDigit1, lotteryDigit2, lotteryDigit3;// Generate a lottery numberfinal int lottery = (int)(Math.random() * 1000);// Prompt the user to enter a guessSystem.out.print("Enter your lottery pick (three digits): ");Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);guess = input.nextInt();// Get digits from guessguessDigit1 = guess / 100;guessDigit2 = guess % 100 / 10;guessDigit3 = guess % 10;// Get digits from lotterylotteryDigit1 = lottery / 100;lotteryDigit2 = lottery % 100 / 10;lotteryDigit3 = lottery % 10;// Check the guessif(lottery == guess)System.out.println("Exact match:you win $10000");else if((lotteryDigit1 == guessDigit1 && lotteryDigit2 == guessDigit3 && lotteryDigit3 == guessDigit2)||(lotteryDigit1 == guessDigit2 && lotteryDigit2 == guessDigit1 && lotteryDigit3 == guessDigit3)||(lotteryDigit1 == guessDigit2 && lotteryDigit2 == guessDigit3 && lotteryDigit3 == guessDigit1)||(lotteryDigit1 == guessDigit3 && lotteryDigit2 == guessDigit1 && lotteryDigit3 == guessDigit2)||(lotteryDigit1 == guessDigit3 && lotteryDigit2 == guessDigit2 && lotteryDigit3 == guessDigit1)){
    System.out.println("Match all digits:you win $3000");}else if(lotteryDigit1 == guessDigit1 || lotteryDigit1 == guessDigit2 || lotteryDigit1 == guessDigit3||lotteryDigit2 == guessDigit1 || lotteryDigit2 == guessDigit2 || lotteryDigit2 == guessDigit3||lotteryDigit3 == guessDigit1 || lotteryDigit3 == guessDigit2 || lotteryDigit3 == guessDigit3){
    System.out.println("Match one digit:you win $1000");}else{
    System.out.println("Sorry,no match");}input.close();}
  • 结果显示:
Enter your lottery pick (three digits): 698
Match one digit:you win $1000Process finished with exit code 0