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Create your AI Virtual Assistant using Python in 50 lines

热度:90   发布时间:2024-02-24 05:58:40.0




pip install JarvisAI

Python版本 > 3.6



  • https://github.com/Dipeshpal/Jarvis-Assisant.git

然后运行pip install -r requirements.txt





import JarvisAI
import re
import pprint
import randomobj = JarvisAI.JarvisAssistant()def t2s(text):obj.text2speech(text)while True:res = obj.mic_input()if re.search('weather|temperature', res):city = res.split(' ')[-1]weather_res = obj.weather(city=city)print(weather_res)t2s(weather_res)if re.search('news', res):news_res = obj.news()pprint.pprint(news_res)t2s(f"I have found {len(news_res)} news. You can read it. Let me tell you first 2 of them")t2s(news_res[0])t2s(news_res[1])if re.search('tell me about', res):topic = res.split(' ')[-1]wiki_res = obj.tell_me(topic)print(wiki_res)t2s(wiki_res)if re.search('date', res):date = obj.tell_me_date()print(date)print(t2s(date))if re.search('time', res):time = obj.tell_me_time()print(time)t2s(time)if re.search('open', res):domain = res.split(' ')[-1]open_result = obj.website_opener(domain)print(open_result)if re.search('launch', res):dict_app = {'chrome': 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe','epic games': 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Binaries\Win32\EpicGamesLauncher.exe'}app = res.split(' ', 1)[1]path = dict_app.get(app)if path is None:t2s('Application path not found')print('Application path not found')else:t2s('Launching: ' + app)obj.launch_any_app(path_of_app=path)if re.search('hello', res):print('Hi')t2s('Hi')if re.search('how are you', res):li = ['good', 'fine', 'great']response = random.choice(li)print(f"I am {response}")t2s(f"I am {response}")if re.search('your name|who are you', res):print("My name is Jarvis, I am your personal assistant")t2s("My name is Jarvis, I am your personal assistant")if re.search('what can you do', res):li_commands = {"open websites": "Example: 'open youtube.com","time": "Example: 'what time it is?'","date": "Example: 'what date it is?'","launch applications": "Example: 'launch chrome'","tell me": "Example: 'tell me about India'","weather": "Example: 'what weather/temperature in Mumbai?'","news": "Example: 'news for today' ",}ans = """I can do lots of things, for example you can ask me time, date, weather in your city,I can open websites for you, launch application and more. See the list of commands-"""print(ans)pprint.pprint(li_commands)t2s(ans)



Create your AI Virtual Assistant using Python in 50 lines


