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【Leetcode&C语言&Tire】208.Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) & 211.Design Add and Search Words Data Structure

热度:87   发布时间:2024-02-23 03:57:36.0


208.Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) 

211. Design Add and Search Words Data Structure




208.Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)


 211.Design Add and Search Words Data Structure



208.Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)


熟悉Tire树的话,这道题不难。但是我用C语言写增加操作时遇到了问题,每次增加前需要查找是否已经有该字符,没有就需要添加该字符。如果节点的结构体Node包括char str、Node **next[26]和bool is_word类型,那么势必在检查时需要遍历父节点next的所有节点。那么这样就将会是两个for循环,O(n?)级别的时间复杂度,你将达成Runtime Error。

拜读了这位大佬的代码后,看到了我没发现的细节。将字母的ASCII码和next的26个索引联系起来,每个字母都有‘a’的偏移量,字母a自然存在0索引位置,字母b也自然存在1索引位置,以此类推。这样做的好处在于可以以O(1)的时间复杂度找到是否存在该字符,甚至Node中可以不存储char str属性,我不用知道你代表什么字母,因为你的索引已经告诉我了。代码如下:

#define LEN 26
typedef struct Trie Trie;
struct Trie{bool is_word;Trie** next;
};/** Initialize your data structure here. */Trie* trieCreate() {Trie *trie = (Trie*)malloc(sizeof(Trie));trie->is_word=false;int space = sizeof(Trie*)*LEN;trie->next = (Trie **)malloc(space);memset(trie->next,0,space);return trie;
}/** Inserts a word into the trie. */
void trieInsert(Trie* obj, char * word) {for(int i=0;word[i]!='\0';i++){if(!(obj->next[word[i]-'a']))obj->next[word[i]-'a'] = trieCreate();   obj=obj->next[word[i]-'a'];}obj->is_word = true;}bool recursiveSearch(Trie *obj, char *word, int index){if(word[index]=='\0'){return obj->is_word;}else{if(obj->next[word[index]-'a'])return recursiveSearch(obj->next[word[index]-'a'],word,index+1);else return false;}}/** Returns if the word is in the trie. */
bool trieSearch(Trie *obj, char *word) {return recursiveSearch(obj,word,0);
}/** Returns if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix. */
bool trieStartsWith(Trie* obj, char * prefix) {for(int i=0;prefix[i]!='\0';i++){if(!(obj->next[prefix[i]-'a']))return false;obj=obj->next[prefix[i]-'a']; }return true;
}void trieFree(Trie* obj) {free(obj->next);free(obj);
}/*** Your Trie struct will be instantiated and called as such:* Trie* obj = trieCreate();* trieInsert(obj, word);* bool param_2 = trieSearch(obj, word);* bool param_3 = trieStartsWith(obj, prefix);* trieFree(obj);

 211.Design Add and Search Words Data Structure





  查找字母 查找'.'
时间复杂度 O(1) O(n)
递归停止 false true
true和false的出现位置 判断是否存在字母 word[index]='\0'


通过以上思考,我写出了递归搜索函数。然而还有一个细节没注意,代码就变得很复杂。递归到最后的判断条件该怎么写?我先前写的是if (word[index+1] == '\0')。后来看别人代码时注意到,一开始进入搜索函数的节点是头节点,搜索第一个字符时节点也是头节点。搜索第二个字符时,第一个字符肯定已找到对应的节点。那么搜索到'\0'时,就到达了对应最后一个字符的Node。此时字符已全都找到,只要判断是否是单词即可。判断条件应是if (word[index] == '\0'),代码如下:

#define LEN 26typedef struct WordDictionary WordDictionary;struct WordDictionary {bool is_word;WordDictionary **next;
};/** Initialize your data structure here. */WordDictionary* wordDictionaryCreate() {WordDictionary* obj = (WordDictionary*)malloc(sizeof(WordDictionary));obj->is_word = false;int space = sizeof(WordDictionary*)*LEN;obj->next = (WordDictionary**)malloc(space);memset(obj->next, 0, space);return obj;
}/** Adds a word into the data structure. */
void wordDictionaryAddWord(WordDictionary* obj, char * word) {int i;for (i = 0; word[i]; i++) {int nIndex = word[i] - 'a';if (!(obj->next[nIndex]))obj->next[nIndex] = wordDictionaryCreate();obj = obj->next[nIndex];}obj->is_word = true;
}/** Returns if the word is in the data structure. A word could contain the dot character '.' to represent any one letter. */bool recursiveSearch(WordDictionary *obj, char * word, int index) {if (word[index] == '\0') {return obj->is_word;}while (word[index] != '\0') {int nIndex = word[index] - 'a';if (word[index] != '.'){if (obj->next[nIndex] != NULL)return recursiveSearch(obj->next[nIndex], word, index + 1);elsereturn false;}else {for (int i = 0; i < LEN; i++) {if (obj->next[i]) {if (recursiveSearch(obj->next[i], word, index + 1))return true;}}return false;}}return NULL;
}bool wordDictionarySearch(WordDictionary* obj, char * word) {return recursiveSearch(obj, word, 0);
}void wordDictionaryFree(WordDictionary* obj) {free(obj->next);free(obj);
}/*** Your WordDictionary struct will be instantiated and called as such:* WordDictionary* obj = wordDictionaryCreate();* wordDictionaryAddWord(obj, word);* bool param_2 = wordDictionarySearch(obj, word);* wordDictionaryFree(obj);

