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5.2 The characteristic equation (特征方程)

热度:45   发布时间:2024-02-20 09:23:36.0

本文为《Linear algebra and its applications》的读书笔记


  • The Characteristic Equation
  • Similarity 相似性
  • Application to Dynamical Systems 应用到动力系统
  • QR algorithm

Useful information about the eigenvalues of a square matrix AAA is encoded in a special scalar equation called the characteristic equation of AAA.

The Characteristic Equation

Note that λ\lambdaλ is the eigenvalue of AAA if and only if A?λA-\lambdaA?λ is invertible, which is equivalent to det(A?λ)=0det(A-\lambda)=0det(A?λ)=0.

The scalar equation det(A?λ)=0det(A-\lambda)=0det(A?λ)=0 is called the characteristic equation of AAA.

It can be shown that if AAA is an n×nn \times nn×n matrix, then det(A?λI)det(A -\lambda I)det(A?λI) is a polynomial of degree nnn called the characteristic polynomial (特征多项式) of AAA.

Suppose that det(A?λI)=(λ?5)2(λ?3)(λ?1)det(A -\lambda I)=(\lambda-5)^2(\lambda-3)(\lambda-1)det(A?λI)=(λ?5)2(λ?3)(λ?1), then the eigenvalue 5 is said to have multiplicitymultiplicitymultiplicity(重数) 2 because (λ?5)(\lambda-5)(λ?5) occurs two times as a factor of the characteristic polynomial. In general, the (algebraic) multiplicity (重数) of an eigenvalue λ\lambdaλ is its multiplicity as a root of the characteristic equation.

Because the characteristic equation for an n×nn \times nn×n matrix involves an nnnth-degree polynomial, the equation has exactly nnn roots, counting multiplicities, provided complex roots are allowed. Such complex roots, called complexeigenvaluescomplex\ eigenvaluescomplex eigenvalues(复特征值), will be discussed in Section 5.5.

Similarity 相似性

The next theorem illustrates one use of the characteristic polynomial, and it provides the foundation for several iterative methods(迭代方法) that approximate eigenvalues.

If AAA and BBB are n×nn \times nn×n matrices, then AAA is similar to BBB if there is an invertible matrix PPP such that P?1AP=BP^{-1}AP = BP?1AP=B, or, equivalently, A=PBP?1A = PBP^{-1}A=PBP?1. Writing QQQ for P?1P^{-1}P?1, we have Q?1BQ=AQ^{-1}BQ = AQ?1BQ=A. So BBB is also similar to AAA, and we say simply that AAA and BBB are similar. Changing AAA into P?1APP^{-1}APP?1AP is called a similarity transformation.


Application to Dynamical Systems 应用到动力系统

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors hold the key to the discrete evolution of a dynamical system.

Let A=[.]A =\begin{bmatrix} .95 &.03\\.05 &.97\end{bmatrix}A=[.95.05?.03.97?]. Analyze the long-term behavior of the dynamical system defined by xk+1=Axk(k=0,1,2...)\boldsymbol x_{k+1} = A\boldsymbol x_k(k = 0, 1, 2...)xk+1?=Axk?(k=0,1,2...), with x0=[.6.4]\boldsymbol x_0 =\begin{bmatrix} .6\\.4\end{bmatrix}x0?=[.6.4?].

The first step is to find the eigenvalues of AAA and a basis for each eigenspace.

It is readily checked that eigenvectors corresponding to λ=1\lambda = 1λ=1 and λ=.92\lambda =.92λ=.92 are multiples of


The next step is to write the given x0\boldsymbol x_0x0? in terms of v1\boldsymbol v_1v1? and v2\boldsymbol v_2v2?. This can be done because {v1,v2}\{\boldsymbol v_1,\boldsymbol v_2\}{ v1?,v2?} is obviously a basis for R2\mathbb R^2R2.

Because v1\boldsymbol v_1v1? and v2\boldsymbol v_2v2? in (3) are eigenvectors of AAA, we easily compute xk\boldsymbol x_kxk?:

As k→∞,(.92)kk \rightarrow \infty,(.92)^kk,(.92)k tends to zero and xk\boldsymbol x_kxk? tends to [.375.625]=.125v1\begin{bmatrix} .375 \\.625 \end{bmatrix}=.125\boldsymbol v_1[.375.625?]=.125v1?.


QR algorithm

A widely used method for estimating eigenvalues of a general matrix AAA is the QRalgorithmQR\ algorithmQR algorithm. Under suitable conditions, this algorithm produces a sequence of matrices, all similar to AAA, that become almost upper triangular, with diagonal entries that approach the eigenvalues of AAA.

The main idea is to factor AAA (or another matrix similar to AAA) in the form A=Q1R1A = Q_1R_1A=Q1?R1?, where Q1T=Q1?1Q_1^T= Q_1^{-1}Q1T?=Q1?1? and R1R_1R1? is upper triangular. The factors are interchanged to form A1=R1Q1A_1 = R_1Q_1A1?=R1?Q1?, which is again factored as A1=Q2R2A_1 = Q_2R_2A1?=Q2?R2?; then to form A2=R2Q2A_2 = R_2Q_2A2?=R2?Q2?, and so on. The similarity of A,A1,A2,...A,A_1,A_2,...A,A1?,A2?,... can be easily shown.
