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热度:43   发布时间:2024-02-13 14:19:25.0


import bisect
from bisect import bisect_right
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import mathlr = []
iters=[]def _get_warmup_factor_at_iter(method: str, iter: int, warmup_iters: int, warmup_factor: float
):"""Return the learning rate warmup factor at a specific iteration.See :paper:`in1k1h` for more details.Args:method (str): warmup method; either "constant" or "linear".iter (int): iteration at which to calculate the warmup factor.warmup_iters (int): the number of warmup iterations.warmup_factor (float): the base warmup factor (the meaning changes accordingto the method used).Returns:float: the effective warmup factor at the given iteration."""if iter >= warmup_iters:return 1.0if method == "constant":return warmup_factorelif method == "linear":alpha = iter / warmup_itersreturn warmup_factor * (1 - alpha) + alphaelse:raise ValueError("Unknown warmup method: {}".format(method))class WarmupMultiStepLR():def __init__(self,milestones,gamma: float = 0.1,warmup_factor: float = 0.001,warmup_iters: int = 50,warmup_method: str = "linear",):if not list(milestones) == sorted(milestones):raise ValueError("Milestones should be a list of" " increasing integers. Got {}", milestones)self.milestones = milestonesself.gamma = gammaself.warmup_factor = warmup_factorself.warmup_iters = warmup_itersself.warmup_method = warmup_methoddef get_lr(self, iter) :warmup_factor = _get_warmup_factor_at_iter(self.warmup_method, iter, self.warmup_iters, self.warmup_factor)return [base_lr * warmup_factor * self.gamma ** bisect_right(self.milestones, iter)for base_lr in [0.001]]class WarmupCosineLR():def __init__(self,max_iters: int,warmup_factor: float = 0.001,warmup_iters: int = 50,warmup_method: str = "linear",):self.max_iters = max_itersself.warmup_factor = warmup_factorself.warmup_iters = warmup_itersself.warmup_method = warmup_methoddef get_lr(self, iter):warmup_factor = _get_warmup_factor_at_iter(self.warmup_method, iter, self.warmup_iters, self.warmup_factor)# Different definitions of half-cosine with warmup are possible. For# simplicity we multiply the standard half-cosine schedule by the warmup# factor. An alternative is to start the period of the cosine at warmup_iters# instead of at 0. In the case that warmup_iters << max_iters the two are# very close to each other.return [base_lr* warmup_factor* 0.5* (1.0 + math.cos(math.pi * iter / self.max_iters))for base_lr in [0.01]]coslr = WarmupCosineLR(max_iters = 500)
linlr = WarmupMultiStepLR(milestones=[50,200,400])
for iter in range(500):lr.append(linlr.get_lr(iter))iters.append(iter)