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LeetCode MySQL 1098. 小众书籍

热度:16   发布时间:2024-01-31 20:39:42.0


    • 1. 题目
    • 2. 解题

1. 题目

书籍表 Books:

| Column Name    | Type    |
| book_id        | int     |
| name           | varchar |
| available_from | date    |
book_id 是这个表的主键。

订单表 Orders:

| Column Name    | Type    |
| order_id       | int     |
| book_id        | int     |
| quantity       | int     |
| dispatch_date  | date    |
order_id 是这个表的主键。
book_id  是 Books 表的外键。

你需要写一段 SQL 命令,筛选出过去一年中订单总量 少于10本 的 书籍 。

注意:不考虑 上架(available from)距今 不满一个月 的书籍。
并且 假设今天是 2019-06-23 。


Books 表:
| book_id | name               | available_from |
| 1       | "Kalila And Demna" | 2010-01-01     |
| 2       | "28 Letters"       | 2012-05-12     |
| 3       | "The Hobbit"       | 2019-06-10     |
| 4       | "13 Reasons Why"   | 2019-06-01     |
| 5       | "The Hunger Games" | 2008-09-21     |
+---------+--------------------+----------------+Orders 表:
| order_id | book_id | quantity | dispatch_date |
| 1        | 1       | 2        | 2018-07-26    |
| 2        | 1       | 1        | 2018-11-05    |
| 3        | 3       | 8        | 2019-06-11    |
| 4        | 4       | 6        | 2019-06-05    |
| 5        | 4       | 5        | 2019-06-20    |
| 6        | 5       | 9        | 2009-02-02    |
| 7        | 5       | 8        | 2010-04-13    |
+----------+---------+----------+---------------+Result 表:
| book_id   | name               |
| 1         | "Kalila And Demna" |
| 2         | "28 Letters"       |
| 5         | "The Hunger Games" |

来源:力扣(LeetCode) 链接:https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/unpopular-books

2. 解题

# Write your MySQL query statement below
select b.book_id, name
from Books b left join
(select book_id, sum(quantity) sellfrom Orderswhere datediff('2019-06-23', dispatch_date) <= 365group by book_id
) t 
where available_from <= '2019-05-23'and ifnull(t.sell, 0) < 10 

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