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文本情感二分类(加权平均模型(Attention Weighted word averaging) )

热度:90   发布时间:2024-01-31 18:25:14.0

文本情感二分类(加权平均模型(Attention Weighted word averaging) )


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import random
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
def set_random_seed(seed):random.seed(seed)np.random.seed(seed)torch.manual_seed(seed)torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed)torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed)torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = Falsetorch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = Trueset_random_seed(6688)
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available else 'cpu')
data_path = ''


from collections import Counterdef build_vocab(sents, max_words=50000):word_counts = Counter()for word in sents:word_counts[word] += 1itos = [w for w, c in word_counts.most_common(max_words)]itos = itos + ["UNK"]stoi = {w:i for i, w in enumerate(itos)}return itos,stoitokenize = lambda x: x.split()
text = open(data_path +'senti.train.tsv').read()
vob = tokenize(text.lower())
itos,stoi = build_vocab(vob)


['1', '0', 'the', ',', 'a']


class Corpus:def __init__(self, data_path, sort_by_len=False):self.vocab = vobself.sort_by_len = sort_by_lenself.train_data,self.train_label = self.tokenize(data_path + 'train.tsv')self.valid_data,self.valid_label  = self.tokenize(data_path + 'dev.tsv')self.test_data,self.test_label  = self.tokenize(data_path + 'test.tsv')def tokenize(self, text_path):with open(text_path) as f:index_data = []  # 索引数据,存储每个样本的单词索引列表labels = []for line in f.readlines():sentence, label = line.split('\t')index_data.append(self.sentence_to_index(sentence.lower()))labels.append(int(label[0]))                if self.sort_by_len:  # 为了提升训练速度,可以考虑将样本按照长度排序,这样可以减少paddingindex_data = sorted(index_data, key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True)return index_data,labelsdef sentence_to_index(self, s):a = []for w in s.split():if w in stoi.keys():a.append(stoi[w])else:a.append(stoi["UNK"])return adef index_to_sentence(self, x):return ' '.join([itos[i] for i in x])corpus = Corpus(data_path, sort_by_len=False)


[[4459, 94, 12436, 37, 2, 7263, 9002],[2905, 62, 327, 3, 90, 1970, 549],[11, 1770, 18, 55, 5, 5990, 97, 185, 267, 35, 179, 622],[593, 673, 5991, 8, 1971, 2, 290, 696],[25, 2, 255, 5127, 261, 2, 360, 118, 4753, 54]]
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0]


def get_minibatches(text_idx, labels, batch_size=64, sort=True):if sort:text_idx_and_labels = sorted(list(zip(text_idx, labels)), key=lambda x: len(x[0]))else:text_idx_and_labels = (list(zip(text_idx, labels)))text_idx_batches = []label_batches = []for i in range(0, len(text_idx), batch_size):text_batch = [t for t, l in text_idx_and_labels[i:i + batch_size]]label_batch = [l for t, l in text_idx_and_labels[i:i + batch_size]]text_idx_batches.append(text_batch)label_batches.append(label_batch)return text_idx_batches, label_batchesBATCH_SIZE = 64
train_batches, train_label_batches = get_minibatches(corpus.train_data, corpus.train_label, BATCH_SIZE)
dev_batches, dev_label_batches = get_minibatches(corpus.valid_data,corpus.valid_label,BATCH_SIZE)
test_batches, test_label_batches = get_minibatches(corpus.test_data,corpus.test_label, BATCH_SIZE)

简单测试一下train_batches, train_label_batches

print(train_batches[0][0:5]) #由于我们是按 评论长度从大到小排序,第0个batch 从0到5 每句话的长度为0
[[2782], [5996], [4464], [2907], [3796]]
[1, 1, 0, 1, 0]

词向量平均(word averaging)二分类模型

class WordAVGModel(nn.Module):def __init__(self, vocab_size, embedding_size, output_size, dropout_p=0.5):super(WordAVGModel, self).__init__()self.embed = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_size)initrange = 0.1self.embed.weight.data.uniform_(-initrange, initrange)self.u = nn.Parameter(torch.rand(embedding_size))self.linear = nn.Linear(embedding_size, output_size)self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout_p)  # 这个参数经常拿来调节def forward(self, text, mask):# text: [batch_size * max_seq_len]# mask: [batch_size * max_seq_len]embedded = self.embed(text)  # [batch_size, max_seq_len, embedding_size]embedded = self.dropout(embedded)    #self.u.view(1,-1).size(),embedded.view(-1,embedded.shape[2]).size()a =  torch.exp(torch.cosine_similarity(self.u.view(1,-1).to(device), embedded.view(-1,embedded.shape[2]), dim=1)).view(embedded.shape[0],embedded.shape[1])embedded = ((a.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, embedded.size(2))) * embedded) # embedded:[batch_size * max_seq_len * embedding_size]embedded = self.dropout(embedded)# 1 represents word, 0 represents paddingmask = mask.float().unsqueeze(2)  # [batch_size, seq_len, 1]embedded = embedded * mask  # [batch_size, seq_len, embedding_size]# 求平均 sent_embed = embedded.sum(1) # 防止mask.sum为0,那么不能除以零。return self.linear(sent_embed)def attention(self, text):embedded = self.embed(text)  # [ seq_len, embedding_size]embedded = self.dropout(embedded)          a = torch.cosine_similarity(self.u.view(1,-1),embedded)a_weight = F.softmax(a, dim=-1)  return a_weight.cpu().numpy()


VOCAB_SIZE = len(itos)
model = WordAVGModel(vocab_size=VOCAB_SIZE,embedding_size=EMBEDDING_SIZE,output_size=OUTPUT_SIZE,dropout_p=0.5)

使用Adam优化器 测试词向量平均二分类模型

optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters())
crit = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
model = model.to(device)


def binary_accuracy(preds, y):rounded_preds = torch.round(torch.sigmoid(preds))correct = (rounded_preds == y).float()acc = correct.sum() / len(correct)return acc


def train(model, text_idxs, labels, optimizer, crit):epoch_loss, epoch_acc = 0., 0.model.train()total_len = 0.for text, label in zip(text_idxs, labels):text = [torch.tensor(x).long().to(device) for x in (text)]label = [torch.tensor(label).long().to(device)]lengths = torch.tensor([len(x) for x in text]).long().to(device)text = nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(text, batch_first=True)mask = (text != 0).float().to(device)# 在之后的训练中因为还要进行pack_padded_sequence操作,所以在这里按照长度降序排列lengths, perm_index = lengths.sort(descending=True)text = text[perm_index]label = label[0][perm_index]preds = model(text, mask).squeeze() # [batch_size, sent_length]loss = crit(preds, label.float())acc = binary_accuracy(preds, label)optimizer.zero_grad()loss.backward()optimizer.step()epoch_loss += loss.item() * len(label)epoch_acc += acc.item() * len(label)total_len += len(label)return epoch_loss / total_len, epoch_acc / total_len


def evaluate(model, text_idxs, labels, crit):epoch_loss, epoch_acc = 0., 0.model.eval()total_len = 0.for text, label in zip(text_idxs, labels):text = [torch.tensor(x).long().to(device) for x in (text)]label = [torch.tensor(label).long().to(device)]lengths = torch.tensor([len(x) for x in text]).long().to(device)text = nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(text, batch_first=True)mask = (text != 0).float().to(device)# 在之后的训练中因为还要进行pack_padded_sequence操作,所以在这里按照长度降序排列lengths, perm_index = lengths.sort(descending=True)text = text[perm_index]label = label[0][perm_index]with torch.no_grad():preds = model(text, mask).squeeze()  # [batch_size, sent_length]loss = crit(preds, label.float())acc = binary_accuracy(preds, label)epoch_loss += loss.item() * len(label)epoch_acc += acc.item() * len(label)total_len += len(label)model.train()return epoch_loss / total_len, epoch_acc / total_len


best_valid_acc = 0.
for epoch in range(N_EPOCHS):train_loss, train_acc = train(model, train_batches, train_label_batches, optimizer, crit)valid_loss, valid_acc = evaluate(model, dev_batches, dev_label_batches, crit)if valid_acc > best_valid_acc:best_valid_acc = valid_acctorch.save(model.state_dict(), "wordavg-model-Adam.pth")print("Epoch", epoch, "Train Loss", train_loss, "Train Acc", train_acc)print("Epoch", epoch, "Valid Loss", valid_loss, "Valid Acc", valid_acc)
Epoch 0 Train Loss 0.421612024540009 Train Acc 0.7994625013027427
Epoch 0 Valid Loss 0.46337967454840284 Valid Acc 0.8096330269761042
Epoch 1 Train Loss 0.26165380607506367 Train Acc 0.8996718585323913
Epoch 1 Valid Loss 0.5158094452061784 Valid Acc 0.8130733950422444
Epoch 2 Train Loss 0.21914521883101462 Train Acc 0.9156928833416801
Epoch 2 Valid Loss 0.5733908010185311 Valid Acc 0.8130733950422444
Epoch 3 Train Loss 0.19722330785677017 Train Acc 0.9246610937094599
Epoch 3 Valid Loss 0.6202372706264531 Valid Acc 0.8130733939485812
Epoch 4 Train Loss 0.18302929015256092 Train Acc 0.9310160507217569
Epoch 4 Valid Loss 0.6619091307351349 Valid Acc 0.807339450088116


test_loss, test_acc = evaluate(model, test_batches, test_label_batches, crit)
print("Test Loss", test_loss, "Test Acc", test_acc)
Test Loss 0.45551196396972765 Test Acc 0.8220757820133584


分析词向量和Attention向量。用在DEV取得最好成绩的模型,计算向量u和所有单词词向量的cosine similarity。展示cosine similarity最高的15个单词, 以及cosine similarity最低的15个单词。


import re
text = re.sub("[\s+\.\!\/_,$%^*(+\"\']+|[+——!,。?、~@#¥%……&*()]+", " ",text)
vob = tokenize(text.lower())
vob= set(vob)
vob = [stoi[e] for e in vob if e in itos]
# embedding 字典向量
embedded = torch.tensor(list(vob)).to(device)
Cosin_List = torch.exp(torch.cosine_similarity(model.u.view(1,-1).to(device), model.embed(embedded), dim=1))
#在列表中取出L2 norm最大的15个数
Biggest15_nu = Cosin_List.sort(descending=True)[1][0:15]
#把one hot 编码转换成为单词
Biggest15 = [itos[e] for e in Biggest15_nu]
#在列表中取出L2 norm最小的15个数
Smallest15_nu = Cosin_List.sort(descending=False)[1][0:15]
#把one hot 编码转换成为单词
Smallest15 = [itos[e] for e in Smallest15_nu]
# 训练次数比较多的单词,以及出频率比较高的单词余弦相似度最小。 训练中出现次数比较少的单词余弦相似度最大。 
余弦相似度最大的15个单词: ['march', 'finely', 'hilary', 'enthusiasm', 'nonbelievers', 'again', 'blowing', 'expressionistic', 'cannibal', 'direction', 'therapeutic', 'painterly', 'stunning', 'hardy', 'cineasts']
余弦相似度最小的15个单词: ['chapter', 'discipline', 'profane', 'deblois', 'ear-splitting', 'rating', 'entree', 'unfulfilling', 'under-inspired', 'swipe', 'period-piece', 'distinctions', 'drama/character', 'freezers', 'instructive']


from collections import Counter
from itertools import chain
train_data = list(chain.from_iterable(corpus.train_data))
train_data = dict(Counter(train_data))
count = 0
for e in Smallest15_nu:   #print(count)count += 1if e.item() in stoi.values() and e.item() in train_data.keys():print(count,itos[e.item()],train_data[e.item()])      print("有",100*count/15,"%的L2_norm 最小词在训练集里面")
1 chapter 3
2 discipline 17
3 profane 21
4 deblois 3
5 ear-splitting 2
6 rating 28
7 entree 5
8 unfulfilling 29
9 under-inspired 12
10 swipe 8
11 period-piece 5
12 distinctions 7
13 drama/character 2
14 freezers 7
15 instructive 10
有 100.0 %的L2_norm 最小词在训练集里面
count = 0
for e in Biggest15_nu:   #print(count)count += 1if e.item() in stoi.values() and e.item() in train_data.keys():print(count,itos[e.item()],train_data[e.item()])      print("有",100*count/15,"%的L2_norm最大词在训练集里面")
1 march 3
2 finely 32
3 hilary 9
4 enthusiasm 44
5 nonbelievers 3
6 again 247
7 blowing 9
8 expressionistic 7
9 cannibal 8
10 direction 293
11 therapeutic 4
12 painterly 11
13 stunning 66
14 hardy 7
15 cineasts 1
有 100.0 %的L2_norm最大词在训练集里面

观察结果可以发现,最小的15个L2 norm单词都是在训练集中反复出现的可以判断感情色彩的形容词。最大的15个 L2 norm单词都是一些没有感情色彩的词。


from collections import Counter
word_attention_list = []
word_index_list = []
with torch.no_grad():for text in (corpus.train_data):word_index_list.extend(text)text = torch.tensor(text).long().to(device)a_weight= model.attention(text)  word_attention_list.extend(a_weight)
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as npword_att_dict = defaultdict(list)
for i in range(len(word_index_list)):word = word_index_list[i]att = word_attention_list[i]word_att_dict[word].append(att)
# 单词出现次数大于100次 且每个单词的 attention权重的平均值 和 标准差
word_att_processed = [( (itos[k],np.mean(v)),np.std(v) )for k,v in word_att_dict.items() if len(v)>100]print('len(word_att_processed) : ',len(word_att_processed))
len(word_att_processed) :  660


max_std_topK = 30
word_att_processed = sorted(word_att_processed,key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)[:max_std_topK]print("\tmean\t\tstd\tword\t")
for i,(word_mean,std) in enumerate(word_att_processed):print("{}\t{}\t\t{}\t{}".format(i+1,'%.2f'%word_mean[1],'%.2f'%std,word_mean[0]))
	mean		std	word	
1	0.24		0.20	stupid
2	0.23		0.19	terrific
3	0.24		0.19	unfunny
4	0.21		0.19	watchable
5	0.19		0.19	tedious
6	0.20		0.19	painful
7	0.20		0.19	bland
8	0.23		0.19	awful
9	0.21		0.18	inventive
10	0.25		0.18	mess
11	0.20		0.18	flat
12	0.19		0.18	gorgeous
13	0.18		0.18	worse
14	0.20		0.18	excellent
15	0.17		0.18	worthy
16	0.20		0.18	appealing
17	0.20		0.18	remarkable
18	0.21		0.17	beautifully
19	0.21		0.17	waste
20	0.20		0.17	intriguing
21	0.21		0.17	provocative
22	0.16		0.17	cool
23	0.17		0.17	hackneyed
24	0.19		0.17	slow
25	0.18		0.17	lacking
26	0.19		0.17	decent
27	0.18		0.17	boring
28	0.20		0.17	wonderful
29	0.22		0.17	engrossing
30	0.17		0.17	perfectly

