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漂亮的频谱谐波图必备 Python + Pygame

热度:99   发布时间:2024-01-26 09:15:59.0
这个Python + Pygame程序绘制了4条衰减正弦波的轨迹,每条轴2条,彩虹色。 它会生成一系列随机谐波图(harmonographs)。

harmonograph是通常在科学博物馆中看到的机械设备,它有两个或多个带有笔的摆锤,可以在一张纸上画画。 摆笔运动,笔在纸上画出漂亮的图案。 通过绘制一起作用在绘图点上的正交正弦波,可以在计算机程序中轻松模拟这一点。 这会生成利萨如图形(Lissajous-Figure),这些图形会被衰减以形成令人愉悦的“平行”线嵌套,就像您在钞票上看到的那样。

漂亮的频谱谐波图必备 Python + Pygame漂亮的频谱谐波图必备 Python + Pygame

它的速度很快,并且可以根据需要将其设置为更快(或更慢)。 提示:将显示窗口设置为全屏。 MIT许可证; 从GitHub下载

'''    Spectral Harmonographs   Copyright 2014 Alan Richmond (Tuxar.uk)
print("Quit: q key, Screenshot: spacebar")import pygame, sys, random as r
from pygame.locals import *
from math import pi, sin, cos, exp
#                        EDIT THESE:
width,height=1280,720       # YouTube HD
width,height=1920,1080      # my left monitor
width,height=1280,1024      # my right monitor
width,height=1680,1050      # Lucy's monitor
#width,height=2560,1440      # YT channel art
dd=0.99995                  # decay factor
dt=0.02                     # time increment
speed=200                   # yes, speed
hui=57*2                    # Hue increment
sd=0.005                    # frequency spread (from integer)
mx=4                        # max range for amplitudes & frequencies
print("Hit SPACE to save")def check_event():global savefor event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == QUIT:sys.exit()elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_q:sys.exit()elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_SPACE:save=Trueprint("Saving when finished...")def scale(length):while True:a1,a2=r.randint(-mx,mx),r.randint(-mx,mx)max=abs(a1)+abs(a2)if max>0: breakreturn a1,a2,length/(2*max)
pygame.event.set_allowed([QUIT, KEYDOWN])
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height),DOUBLEBUF)
while True:
#   Amplitudes & scalesax1,ax2,xscale=scale(width)ay1,ay2,yscale=scale(height)fx1, fx2 =  r.randint(1,mx) + r.gauss(0,sd), r.randint(1,mx) + r.gauss(0,sd)fy1, fy2 =  r.randint(1,mx) + r.gauss(0,sd), r.randint(1,mx) + r.gauss(0,sd)px1, px2 =  r.uniform(0,2*pi), r.uniform(0,2*pi)py1, py2 =  r.uniform(0,2*pi), r.uniform(0,2*pi)print(ax1,ax2,ay1,ay2)print(fx1,fx2,fy1,fy2)print(px1,px2,py1,py2)dec=1.0t=0.0                       # angle for sinfirst=Truewhile dec>0.015:# calculate next x,y point along linex = xscale * dec * (ax1*sin(t * fx1 + px1) + ax2*sin(t * fx2 + px2)) + width/2y = yscale * dec * (ay1*sin(t * fy1 + py1) + ay2*sin(t * fy2 + py2)) + height/2dec*=dd                 # decayif not first:           # ignore any complaint about prev_x,y being undefined
#            fg.hsva=(hue,sat,val,aaa)
#            hue = (hue + dt*hui) % 360      # cycle huepygame.draw.aaline(screen, fg, (x, y), (prev_x, prev_y), 1)else:first=Falseprev_x = x              # save x,y for next line segment startprev_y = yif steps%speed==0: pygame.display.update()steps+=1t+=dt                   # increment angle for sincheck_event()if save:                    # parameters are encoded into filenamepars='shg-{0}_{1}-{2}_{3}-{4}_{5}'.format(ax1,ax2,fx1,fx2,px1,px2)pygame.image.save(screen, pars+'.jpg')print("Saved as "+pars+'.jpg')save=Falsescreen.fill((0,0,0))
#    screen.fill((255,255,255))


sudo apt-get install pygame
sudo apt-get install python


chmod +x harmonograph.py

漂亮的频谱谐波图必备 Python + Pygame漂亮的频谱谐波图必备 Python + Pygame

