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PAT-1079 Total Sales of Supply Chain

热度:75   发布时间:2024-01-20 23:07:22.0

1079 Total Sales of Supply Chain

part 4, 4.3


  • 理解好题意就不难
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
double P, r;
double price = 0;vector<int> v[100000];
vector<int> retailsPrice(100000);void bfs(int index, int depth)
{if (v[index].size() == 0){price += pow(r, depth) * P * retailsPrice[index];return;}else{for (int i = 0; i < v[index].size(); i++)bfs(v[index][i], depth + 1);}
}int main()
{int N;cin >> N >> P >> r;r = r / 100 + 1;int k, c;for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){cin >> k;if (k != 0)for (int j = 0; j < k; j++){cin >> c;v[i].push_back(c);}elsecin >> retailsPrice[i];}bfs(0, 0);printf("%.1f\n", price);system("pause");return 0;


  • 柳神
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
struct node {double data;vector<int> child;
vector<node> v;
double ans = 0.0, p, r;void dfs(int index, int depth) {if(v[index].child.size() == 0) {ans += v[index].data * pow(1 + r, depth);return ;}for(int i = 0; i < v[index].child.size(); i++)dfs(v[index].child[i], depth + 1);
int main() {int n, k, c;scanf("%d %lf %lf", &n, &p, &r);r = r / 100;v.resize(n);for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {scanf("%d", &k);if(k == 0) {scanf("%lf", &v[i].data);} else {for(int j = 0; j < k; j++) {scanf("%d", &c);v[i].child.push_back(c);}}}dfs(0, 0);printf("%.1f", ans * p);return 0;