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Install VSFTPD server in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

热度:50   发布时间:2024-01-16 04:42:10.0

Install VSFTPD server in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

文档 https://www.ostechnix.com/install-vsftpd-server-ubuntu-16-04-lts/
文档 http://yuanbin.blog.51cto.com/363003/108262/

$sudo apt-get install vsftpd
$sudo vim /etc/vsftpd.conf[...]##Disable anonymous user login.anonymous_enable=NO##Uncomment these two lines.ascii_upload_enable=YESascii_download_enable=YES##Uncomment and enter your Welcome message - Not necessary, It's optional.ftpd_banner=Welcome to OSTechNix FTP service.##Add this line the end.use_localtime=YESallow_writeable_chroot=YESchroot_local_user=YESchroot_list_enable=NO# (default follows)chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list$sudo systemctl restart vsftpd
$sudo service vsftpd restart
$sudo systemctl status vsftpdAccess FTP server
$sudo telnet localhost 21
to exit from FTP console, type: quit.

Access FTP server using FileZilla

vsftpd.conf file

  1 # Example config file /etc/vsftpd.conf2 #3 # The default compiled in settings are fairly paranoid. This sample file4 # loosens things up a bit, to make the ftp daemon more usable.5 # Please see vsftpd.conf.5 for all compiled in defaults.6 #7 # READ THIS: This example file is NOT an exhaustive list of vsftpd options.8 # Please read the vsftpd.conf.5 manual page to get a full idea of vsftpd's9 # capabilities.10 #11 #12 # Run standalone?  vsftpd can run either from an inetd or as a standalone13 # daemon started from an initscript.14 listen=NO15 #16 # This directive enables listening on IPv6 sockets. By default, listening17 # on the IPv6 "any" address (::) will accept connections from both IPv618 # and IPv4 clients. It is not necessary to listen on *both* IPv4 and IPv619 # sockets. If you want that (perhaps because you want to listen on specific20 # addresses) then you must run two copies of vsftpd with two configuration21 # files.22 listen_ipv6=YES23 #24 # Allow anonymous FTP? (Disabled by default).25 anonymous_enable=YES2627 no_anon_password=YES2829 ftp_username=ftp30 anon_root=/var/ftp3132 #33 # Uncomment this to allow local users to log in.34 local_enable=YES35 #36 # Uncomment this to enable any form of FTP write command.37 write_enable=YES38 #39 # Default umask for local users is 077. You may wish to change this to 022,40 # if your users expect that (022 is used by most other ftpd's)41 #local_umask=00242 #43 # Uncomment this to allow the anonymous FTP user to upload files. This only44 # has an effect if the above global write enable is activated. Also, you will45 # obviously need to create a directory writable by the FTP user.46 anon_upload_enable=YES4748 anon_world_readable_only=YES49 #50 # Uncomment this if you want the anonymous FTP user to be able to create51 # new directories.52 anon_mkdir_write_enable=YES5354 anon_other_write_enable=YES55 #56 # Activate directory messages - messages given to remote users when they57 # go into a certain directory.58 dirmessage_enable=YES59 #60 # If enabled, vsftpd will display directory listings with the time61 # in  your  local  time  zone.  The default is to display GMT. The62 # times returned by the MDTM FTP command are also affected by this63 # option.64 use_localtime=YES65 #66 # Activate logging of uploads/downloads.67 xferlog_enable=YES68 #69 # Make sure PORT transfer connections originate from port 20 (ftp-data).70 connect_from_port_20=YES71 #72 # If you want, you can arrange for uploaded anonymous files to be owned by73 # a different user. Note! Using "root" for uploaded files is not74 # recommended!75 #chown_uploads=YES76 chown_username=ftp7778 anon_umask=00279 #80 # You may override where the log file goes if you like. The default is shown81 # below.82 #xferlog_file=/var/log/vsftpd.log83 #84 # If you want, you can have your log file in standard ftpd xferlog format.85 # Note that the default log file location is /var/log/xferlog in this case.86 #xferlog_std_format=YES87 #88 # You may change the default value for timing out an idle session.89 #idle_session_timeout=60090 #91 # You may change the default value for timing out a data connection.92 #data_connection_timeout=12093 #94 # It is recommended that you define on your system a unique user which the95 # ftp server can use as a totally isolated and unprivileged user.96 #nopriv_user=ftpsecure97 #98 # Enable this and the server will recognise asynchronous ABOR requests. Not99 # recommended for security (the code is non-trivial). Not enabling it,
100 # however, may confuse older FTP clients.
101 #async_abor_enable=YES
102 #
103 # By default the server will pretend to allow ASCII mode but in fact ignore
104 # the request. Turn on the below options to have the server actually do ASCII
105 # mangling on files when in ASCII mode.
106 # Beware that on some FTP servers, ASCII support allows a denial of service
107 # attack (DoS) via the command "SIZE /big/file" in ASCII mode. vsftpd
108 # predicted this attack and has always been safe, reporting the size of the
109 # raw file.
110 # ASCII mangling is a horrible feature of the protocol.
111 ascii_upload_enable=YES
112 ascii_download_enable=YES
113 #
114 # You may fully customise the login banner string:
115 ftpd_banner=Welcome to blah FTP service.
116 #
117 # You may specify a file of disallowed anonymous e-mail addresses. Apparently
118 # useful for combatting certain DoS attacks.
119 #deny_email_enable=YES
120 # (default follows)
121 #banned_email_file=/etc/vsftpd.banned_emails
122 #
123 # You may restrict local users to their home directories.  See the FAQ for
124 # the possible risks in this before using chroot_local_user or
125 # chroot_list_enable below.
126 #chroot_local_user=YES
127 #
128 # You may specify an explicit list of local users to chroot() to their home
129 # directory. If chroot_local_user is YES, then this list becomes a list of
130 # users to NOT chroot().
131 # (Warning! chroot'ing can be very dangerous. If using chroot, make sure that
132 # the user does not have write access to the top level directory within the
133 # chroot)
134 #local_root=/var/ftp
135 allow_writeable_chroot=YES
136 chroot_local_user=YES
137 chroot_list_enable=NO
138 # (default follows)
139 chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list
140 #
141 # You may activate the "-R" option to the builtin ls. This is disabled by
142 # default to avoid remote users being able to cause excessive I/O on large
143 # sites. However, some broken FTP clients such as "ncftp" and "mirror" assume
144 # the presence of the "-R" option, so there is a strong case for enabling it.
145 #ls_recurse_enable=YES
146 #
147 # Customization
148 #
149 # Some of vsftpd's settings don't fit the filesystem layout by
150 # default.
151 #
152 # This option should be the name of a directory which is empty.  Also, the
153 # directory should not be writable by the ftp user. This directory is used
154 # as a secure chroot() jail at times vsftpd does not require filesystem
155 # access.
156 secure_chroot_dir=/var/run/vsftpd/empty
157 #
158 # This string is the name of the PAM service vsftpd will use.
159 pam_service_name=vsftpd
160 #
161 # This option specifies the location of the RSA certificate to use for SSL
162 # encrypted connections.
163 rsa_cert_file=/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
164 rsa_private_key_file=/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
165 ssl_enable=NO
167 #
168 # Uncomment this to indicate that vsftpd use a utf8 filesystem.
169 #utf8_filesystem=YES