当前位置: 代码迷 >> 综合 >> Open Baidu webpage and type in Chinese characters to start searching, press “Back” button to go to B

Open Baidu webpage and type in Chinese characters to start searching, press “Back” button to go to B

热度:94   发布时间:2024-01-12 20:41:06.0
Open Baidu webpage and type in Chinese characters to start searching,

press “Back” button to go to Baidu homepage, input box contains garbledcode.


Open Baidu webpage and type in Chinese characters to start searching,
press “Back” button to go to Baidu homepage, input box contains garbledcode.


This issue happens when Baidu searches JAVAScript. We add log inside
browser search engine to dump Stack Trace to check who is responsible for
garbled code in input box.
We find the result as below:
Stack Trace:
00dbb881 WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setValue(WTF::String const&)
v------> valueAttrSetter
v------> v8::internal:ropertyCallbackArguments::Call(void (*)(v8:ocal<v8::String>,
v8:ocal<v8::Value>, v8::AccessorInfo const&), v8:ocal<v8::String>, v8:ocal<v8::Value>)
00c4d3c9 v8::internal::JSObject::SetPropertyWithCallback(v8::internal::Object*, v8::internal::Name*,
v8::internal::Object*, v8::internal::JSObject*, v8::internal::StrictModeFlag)
00c670c1 v8::internal::JSObject::SetPropertyForResult(v8::internal:ookupResult*, v8::internal::Name*,
v8::internal::Object*, PropertyAttributes, v8::internal::StrictModeFlag,
00c67405 v8::internal::JSReceiver::SetProperty(v8::internal::Name*, v8::internal::Object*,
PropertyAttributes, v8::internal::StrictModeFlag, v8::internal::JSReceiver::StoreFromKeyed)
v------> v8::internal::JSReceiver::SetPropertyOrFail(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSReceiver>,
v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>,
PropertyAttributes, v8::internal::StrictModeFlag, v8::internal::JSReceiver::StoreFromKeyed)
Briefly, before webpage starts searching, JavaScript of webpage will
convert the Chinese characters in input box into garbled code, so when
pressing “Back” in next page to go back to Baidu Home, browser will show
the previous garbled code in input box. We tried with Chrome and Nexus 5,
the same problem happens. But Chinese characters will not change to
garbled code in other webpage which can store form data.
So it is confirmed that the issue is due to JavaScript of Baidu.
