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Codechef DEC16 SEAINCR

热度:43   发布时间:2024-01-11 19:04:08.0


U are given an array A consisting of N integers.There are M queries (Li,Ri) and u are required to find the length of the longest increasing subsequence in the array A[Li...Ri]


Since it is ensured that A[i] is no more than 106 ,we suppose f[i][j] to be the maximum index of front of all the length-j increasing subsequences that end at i .
For example, A[]=6,7,6,8,10
So A[5]=4 and f[5][3]=3
It is because that there are four length-3 increasing subsquences that end at 5(they are {6,8,10},{6,7,10},{7,8,10},{6,8,10})and the maximum index of the beginning of them is 3(it is {6,8,10}).

Of cause f[i][j] can be simply calculated with Segment Trees.And it is worth pointing out that u should create new points in Segment Tree only if you need because there may be lots of Segment Trees.
After solving f[i][j] ,now we should consider how to deal with queries.Suppose our quIt is a typical way to solve problem by Binary Search.
Now we have a problem,how to check if there exists an increasing subsquence whose length is x in A[L..R] .Well,it’s f[i][j] ’s turn now.
Suppose v to be the maximum f[i][x](?i,LiR) .The only thing we should do is to check if v is no less than L .Obviously,our job is to find the maximum f[i][x] in a section and it can be solved simply by using another SGT.
But the time complexity of this approach is O(nlog2n) because we use Binary Search and SGT to check.
Now we consider another high-authority algorithm.There are M queries and we use Binary Search.Maybe we can get a high-authority algorithm by sorting the value of f[i][j] and Li of each query.As a matter of fact,it does work.After sorting these values in descending order,the SGT become something else.Let’s assume we still use SGT.Now when we get an f[i][j] ,we add a tag in index i of SGT j.when we get a query (L,R) ,we still use Binary Search and check if there are tags in a section of SGT x.Note that every time we add a tag,f[i][j]s are in descending order.That means when we get a query(L,R),the indexs of the leftmost tag in each SGT are no less than L.So we suppose Lef[x] to be the index of the leftmost tag in SGT x.And when we want to check a value x ,just need to compare Lef[x] and R ,what’s more,if Lef[x]R exits,it is a possible answer.
The above algorithm’s time complexity is O(nlogn)


Here is my code:

#include<cstring>#define fo(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<=b;i++)
#define fd(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i>=b;i--)using namespace std;int get(){char ch;int s=0;bool bz=0;while(ch=getchar(),(ch<'0'||ch>'9')&&ch!='-');if (ch=='-')bz=1;else s=ch-'0';while(ch=getchar(),ch>='0'&&ch<='9')s=s*10+ch-'0';if (bz)return -s;return s;
}const int N = 1000000;int rt[N+10],vis[N+10],tim,tot;
struct pt{int l,r,v;
int n,a[N+10],m,L[N+10],k,v[N+10],num[N+10];
int mv;void change(int &now,int l,int r,int x,int v){if (!now)now=++tot;if (l==r){tree[now].v=max(tree[now].v,v);return;}int mid=(l+r)/2;if(x<=mid)change(tree[now].l,l,mid,x,v);else change(tree[now].r,mid+1,r,x,v);tree[now].v=max(tree[tree[now].l].v,tree[tree[now].r].v);
}int getv(int now,int l,int r,int x,int y){if (!now)return 0;if (x<=l&&r<=y)return tree[now].v;int mid=(l+r)/2,v=0;if (x<=mid)v=getv(tree[now].l,l,mid,x,y);if (y>mid)v=max(v,getv(tree[now].r,mid+1,r,x,y));return v;
}int getmx(int now,int l,int r,int x){if (!now)return 0;if (r<=x)return tree[now].v;int mid=(l+r)/2;if (x<=mid)return getmx(tree[now].l,l,mid,x);return max(tree[tree[now].l].v,getmx(tree[now].r,mid+1,r,x));
}bool cmp(int x,int y){return a[x]<a[y];
}struct que{int v,ty,l,w;friend bool operator < (que a,que b){if (a.v!=b.v)return a.v>b.v;return a.ty<b.ty;}
int lef[N+10];
int ans[N+10];int main(){freopen("data.in","r",stdin);freopen("data.out","w",stdout);int t=get();fo(cas,1,t){n=get();m=get();tim++;tot=k=0;mv=0;fo(i,1,n){a[i]=get();num[i]=i;}sort(num+1,num+1+n,cmp);int kk=0,lst=0;fo(i,1,n){if (a[num[i]]>lst){kk++;lst=a[num[i]];}a[num[i]]=kk;}fo(i,1,n){L[i]=k+1;v[k+1]=i;fo(j,2,a[i]){v[k+j]=0;if (vis[j-1]<tim)continue;v[k+j]=getmx(rt[j-1],1,kk,a[i]-1);}fo(j,1,a[i])if (v[k+j]){mv=max(mv,j);if(vis[j]<tim){rt[j]=0;vis[j]=tim;}change(rt[j],1,kk,a[i],v[k+j]);}k+=a[i];}fo(i,1,tot)tree[i].l=tree[i].r=tree[i].v=0;fo(i,1,mv)rt[i]=0;k=0;fo(i,1,n){fo(j,1,a[i])if (v[L[i]+j-1]){q[++k].v=v[L[i]+j-1];q[k].ty=1;q[k].l=j;q[k].w=i;}}fo(i,1,m){int l=get(),r=get();q[++k].v=l;q[k].ty=2;q[k].w=r;q[k].l=i;}sort(q+1,q+1+k);tim++;fo(i,1,k)if (q[i].ty==1){if (vis[q[i].l]<tim){vis[q[i].l]=tim;lef[q[i].l]=N;}lef[q[i].l]=min(lef[q[i].l],q[i].w);}else{int L=1,R=mv,va=0;while(L<=R){int mid=(L+R)/2;if (vis[mid]==tim&&lef[mid]<=q[i].w){va=mid;L=mid+1;}else R=mid-1;}ans[q[i].l]=va;}fo(i,1,m)printf("%d\n",ans[i]);}return 0;