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stat(const char *, struct stat *)函数的作用

热度:91   发布时间:2024-01-10 23:32:37.0



The   _stat   function   obtains   information   about   the   file   or   directory   specified   by   path   and   stores   it   in   the   structure   pointed   to   by   buffer.   _stat   automatically   handles   multibyte-character   string   arguments   as   appropriate,   recognizing   multibyte-character   sequences   according   to   the   multibyte   code   page   currently   in   use.    
  /*   STAT.C:   This   program   uses   the   _stat   function   to  
    *   report   information   about   the   file   named   STAT.C.  
  #include   <time.h>  
  #include   <sys/types.h>  
  #include   <sys/stat.h>  
  #include   <stdio.h>  
  void   main(   void   )  
        struct   _stat   buf;  
        int   result;  
        char   buffer[]   =   "A   line   to   output";  
        /*   Get   data   associated   with   "stat.c":   */  
        result   =   _stat(   "stat.c",   &buf   );  
        /*   Check   if   statistics   are   valid:   */  
        if(   result   !=   0   )  
              perror(   "Problem   getting   information"   );  
              /*   Output   some   of   the   statistics:   */  
              printf(   "File   size           :   %ld/n",   buf.st_size   );  
              printf(   "Drive                   :   %c:/n",   buf.st_dev   +   'A'   );  
              printf(   "Time   modified   :   %s",   ctime(   &buf.st_atime   )   );  
  File   size           :   745  
  Drive                   :   C:  
  Time   modified   :   Tue   May   03   00:00:00   1994  



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