当前位置: 代码迷 >> 综合 >> poj - 1389 - Area of Simple Polygons(离线化+扫描线+线段树)

poj - 1389 - Area of Simple Polygons(离线化+扫描线+线段树)

热度:1   发布时间:2024-01-10 13:06:15.0

题意:求n个矩形面积的并(1 <= n <= 1000,坐标范围:0 <= x1 < x2 <= 50000;0 <= y1 < y2 <= 50000)。





#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>using namespace std;#define lc (o<<1)
#define rc ((o<<1)+1)const int MAXN = 1000 + 10;int y[MAXN<<1];
int cnt;struct Scanline {int x;int y1, y2;bool is_left;bool operator < (const Scanline& e) const {return x < e.x;}
} scanlines[MAXN<<1];struct Node {int L, R;int len;int cover;
} nodes[MAXN<<3];int point_to(int x) {return lower_bound(y, y + cnt, x) - y;
}void build(int o, int L, int R) {nodes[o].L = L;nodes[o].R = R;nodes[o].len = 0;nodes[o].cover = 0;if(L + 1 == R) return;int M = (L + R) >> 1;build(lc, L, M);build(rc, M, R);
}void maintain_len(int o) {if(nodes[o].cover > 0) {nodes[o].len = y[nodes[o].R] - y[nodes[o].L];}else if(nodes[o].L + 1 == nodes[o].R) {nodes[o].len = 0;}else {nodes[o].len = nodes[lc].len + nodes[rc].len;}
}void my_insert(int o, int ql, int qr) {if(ql <= nodes[o].L && nodes[o].R <= qr) {nodes[o].cover++;maintain_len(o);return;}int M = (nodes[o].L + nodes[o].R) >> 1;if(ql < M) my_insert(lc, ql, qr);if(qr > M) my_insert(rc, ql, qr);maintain_len(o);
}void my_delete(int o, int ql, int qr) {if(ql <= nodes[o].L && nodes[o].R <= qr) {nodes[o].cover--;maintain_len(o);return;}int M = (nodes[o].L + nodes[o].R) >> 1;if(ql < M) my_delete(lc, ql, qr);if(qr > M) my_delete(rc, ql, qr);maintain_len(o);
}int main()
{int n = 0;int x1, y1, x2, y2;while(scanf("%d%d%d%d", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2) == 4) {if(x1 == -1 && y1 == -1 && x2 == -1 && y2 == -1) {if(n == 0) continue;}else {scanlines[n<<1].x = x1;scanlines[n<<1].y1 = y1;scanlines[n<<1].y2 = y2;scanlines[n<<1].is_left = true;scanlines[(n<<1)+1].x = x2;scanlines[(n<<1)+1].y1 = y1;scanlines[(n<<1)+1].y2 = y2;scanlines[(n<<1)+1].is_left = false;y[n<<1] = y1;y[(n<<1)+1] = y2;n++;continue;}sort(y, y + 2*n);cnt = unique(y, y + 2*n) - y;sort(scanlines, scanlines + 2*n);build(1, 0, cnt-1);int area = 0;for(int i = 0; i < 2*n-1; i++) {if(scanlines[i].is_left) {my_insert(1, point_to(scanlines[i].y1), point_to(scanlines[i].y2));}else {my_delete(1, point_to(scanlines[i].y1), point_to(scanlines[i].y2));}area += (scanlines[i+1].x - scanlines[i].x) * nodes[1].len;}printf("%d\n", area);n = 0;}return 0;
