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storm 1.0新功能-Tuple Sampling and Debugging 数据采集

热度:44   发布时间:2024-01-10 09:17:58.0

11. Tuple Sampling and Debugging

11.1. 功能介绍

在调试Topology的过程中,很多Strom用户添加了“debug”Bolt或者Trident功能,以记录流经Topology的数据信息,在生产部署的时候移除或者禁用它们。如今Storm UI包含这一功能,可以使你直接通过Storm UI对流经Topology或者单个组件的数据进行取样。被取样的事件可以通过Storm UI直接观察到,并被保存到磁盘。

11.2. 使用说明


Parameter Meaning When to use
topology.eventlogger.executors: 0 No event logger tasks are created (default). If you don’t intend to inspect tuples and don’t want the slight performance hit.
topology.eventlogger.executors: 1 One event logger task for the topology. If you want to sample a low percentage of tuples from a specific spout or a bolt. This could be the most common use case.
topology.eventlogger.executors: nil One event logger task per worker. If you want to sample entire topology (all spouts and bolt) at a very high sampling percentage and the tuple rate is very high.

点击上图“event”按钮后,重定向到下图界面,其中event.log中的每一行代表从一个组件emit的数据,格式为:Timestamp, Component name, Component task-id, MessageId (incase of anchoring), List of emitted values 
