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《功夫之王》The Forbidden Kingdom 功夫专有名词

热度:30   发布时间:2024-01-03 20:36:02.0
《功夫之王》正在全球热映,影片中成龙、李连杰两位华人功夫巨星华丽的武打让功夫迷们欲罢不能,电影票房在全球一路飘红,影片成为《卧虎藏龙》、《英雄》 后在全球刮起“中国旋风”的又一华语力作。《功夫之王》编剧约翰?福斯科是一个地道的功夫迷,他在影片中向中国武侠电影致敬的同时也对中国古典文化进行了 大力展示和融合。《功夫之王》中出现了很多中国的谚语和功夫迷们耳熟能详的功夫专有名词,比如螳螂拳,水上漂等。这些中国本土文化符号,经过老外们的西 化,改造成了西方人能够理解的词句,读来别有一番独特的趣味。
  Praying mantis 螳螂拳
  Dragon style 虎拳
  Flight on water 水上漂
  Fly through air 飞檐走壁
  Spanking monkey 疾猴
  Drunken fist 醉拳
  Secret gong-fu from the south 南派功夫
  No shadow kick 无影脚
  Buddha palm technique 如来神掌
  The iron elbow 铁拳
  One-finger death touch 一阳指
  Horse stance 马步
  Same kind the thirteen monks 少林十三和尚
  Enter the dragon 猛龙过江
  The bride with white hair 白发魔女传
  The forbidden kingdom 天庭
  Five elements mountain 五指山
  Jade emperor 玉皇大帝
  Peach banquet 蟠桃宴
  Heavenly minister 天庭官员
  The river of sand 流沙河
  the Elixir of Immortality 长生不老之药
  Drunken Master 醉八仙
  Has skills of his own 不是省油的灯
  Come drink with me 我要你血债血偿
  Heaven help us 阿弥陀佛
  Two tigers cannot live on the same mountain 一山不容二虎
  Vengeance has a way of rebounding upon oneself. 冤冤相报何时了

  Gongfu. Hard work over time to accomplish skill. A painter can have gongfu. Or the butcher who cuts meat every day with such skill...his knife never touches bone. Learn the form, but seek the formless. Hear the soundless. Learn it all, then forget it all. Learn The Way, then find your own way. The musician can have gongfu. Or the poet who paints pictures with words and makes emperors weep. This, too, is gongfu. But do not name it, my friend, for it is like water. Nothing is softer than water...yet it can overcome rock. It does not fight. It flows around the opponent. Formless, nameles...the true master dwells within. Only you can free him.
  功夫,它是长时间的苦练和用功得来的!画家有他的功夫,可以用指尖作画,杀猪的也有他的功夫,切肉可以不沾到骨头!从有形,进而为无形,从无形中悟出 真谛,你就不再受招式的困扰,武功也才能变得出神入化!一个乐手到了最高境界,可以为曲子增添生命,一个了不起的诗人,帝王都会为他的诗感动。这也是功 夫!功夫只能意会不能言传,它就像是水!因为水是无孔不入的,正所谓滴水可以穿石,它不与对手正面抗衡,而是从对手身边穿过去,无形,无状,真正的功夫在 你的心里,只有你才可以释放出来!
