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题解:CF_106E_Space Rescuers : 模拟退火/二分

热度:45   发布时间:2023-12-25 14:04:13.0

题解:CF_106E_Space Rescuers : 模拟退火/二分


The Galaxy contains n planets, there are many different living creatures inhabiting each planet. And each creature can get into troubles! Space rescuers know it perfectly well and they are always ready to help anyone who really needs help. All you need to do is call for them.

Now the space rescuers plan to build the largest in the history of the Galaxy rescue station; however, the rescue station's location is yet to be determined. As some cases are real emergencies, the rescuers want to find such a point in the Galaxy from which it would be possible to get to the remotest planet in the minimum possible time. In other words, the rescuers need such point in the space that the distance between it and the planet remotest from it was minimal (if we compare this point with all other possible points in the space). Unfortunately, the rescuers can't sole this problem.

As the planets are quite remote from each other, they can be considered as points in Euclidean three-dimensional space. The distance between points (xi,?yi,?zi) and (xj,?yj,?zj) can be calculated by the formula


. The rescue station can be positioned in any point in the space. It can also coincide with some planet.

Galaxy is in danger! Save the space rescuers and find the required point for them.


The first line of the input file contains integer n — the number of planets (1?≤?N?≤?100). Each of the following n lines contains information about the planets. The i-th line contains three integers xi,?yi,?zi — the coordinates of the i-th planet (?-10^4?≤?xi,?yi,?zi?≤?10^4, 1?≤?i?≤?n). No two planets coincide.


Print on the first line of the output file three space-separated real numbers x0,y0,z0 — the coordinates for the future base. If there are several solutions, you are allowed to print any of them. The answer will be accepted if the distance from this point to the remotest planet will differ from the juries' variant in no more than 10?^-6 in absolute or relative value.





?首先,设g(x,y,z)为距离点 P(x,y,z)距离最远的点的距离,很容易证明g(x,y,z)在定义域内连续:考虑边界情况,当距离P最远的点发生改变时,一定会有两个点以上的点距离P的距离相等,一些是即将成为离P最远的点,另一些是之前距离P最远的点。那么在任何情况下,g(x,y,z)不会发生突变。

?模拟退火的过程如下:我们不妨设置初始温度为T,T随着时间推移以f(t,time)减小,即:T_i=f(time) & f(0)=T0,注意,f(time)一般情况下为单调不增函数。

?我们以T标定我们对于不一定是最优解的方案的选择概率。标定方法多种多样,对于本题,我们首先随意取一个点作为当前的答案点,对于当前,我们遍历所有的n个点,找出离当前点最远的一个点Q,将当前点向Q移动T_i * dis(P,Q)的距离。当T逐步减小的时候,答案逐步向正确答案靠近。



#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <vector>using namespace std;const int MAXN = 1e2+7;const double EPS = 1e-8;template <typename _TP>inline _TP read(_TP &X){char ch=0;int w;X=0;while(!isdigit(ch)){w=ch=='-';ch=getchar();}while(isdigit(ch)){X=(X<<1)+(X<<3)+(ch^48);ch=getchar();}X=w?-X:X;return X;}struct Point{int x,y,z;}v[MAXN];int main(){double x=0,y=0,z=0,T=1;int n,minPos;read(n);for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){Point tmp;read(tmp.x);read(tmp.y);read(tmp.z);v[i]=tmp;x+=tmp.x;y+=tmp.y;z+=tmp.z;}x/=n;y/=n;z/=n; //初始位置在重心 较优while(T > EPS){double maxx = -1;minPos = -1;for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){double t = (x-v[i].x)*(x-v[i].x)+(y-v[i].y)*(y-v[i].y)+(z-v[i].z)*(z-v[i].z);if(t > maxx){maxx = t;minPos = i;}}T *= 0.999;x+=T*(v[minPos].x-x);y+=T*(v[minPos].y-y);z+=T*(v[minPos].z-z);}printf("%.10f %.10f %.10f",x,y,z);return 0;}


