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erlyweb 也上什么道 mvc -a component-oriented web 框架

热度:76   发布时间:2023-12-18 22:02:51.0




要安装yaws 作web服务器


* an elegant approach to concurrent programming
* amazing scalability
* fault-tolerant design
* painless clustering
* an embedded distributed DBMS for highly-available applications with soft real-time performance requirements
* proven stability
* simplicity
* a high-performance VM with support for native code compilation
* hot code swapping
* easy binary parsing
* the productivity and flexibility of dynamic typing combined with a rigorous defect-finding tool
* facilities for distributed monitoring, logging, RPC, process-spawning, error-handling and debugging
* the beauty of functional programming
* a platform with 20 years of success at building very large-scale systems
* 100% open source
* borderline unhealthy amounts of fun


11/4/06 ErlyWeb 0.2.1


11/2/06 ErlyWeb 0.2 is released!
