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超级系统工具 Sysdig

热度:44   发布时间:2023-12-18 08:13:26.0

Sysdig 是一个超级系统工具,比 strace、tcpdump、lsof 加起来还强大。可用来捕获系统状态信息,保存数据并进行过滤和分析。使用 Lua 开发,提供命令行接口以及强大的交互界面。



  • 查看占用网络带宽最多的进程

    sysdig -c topprocs_net

  • 显示主机192.168.0.1的网络传输数据

    as binary:
    sysdig -s2000 -X -c echo_fds fd.cip=
    as ASCII:
    sysdig -s2000 -A -c echo_fds fd.cip=

  • 查看连接最多的服务器端口

    in terms of established connections:
    sysdig -c fdcount_by fd.sport "evt.type=accept"
    in terms of total bytes:
    sysdig -c fdbytes_by fd.sport

  • 查看客户端连接最多的ip

    in terms of established connections
    sysdig -c fdcount_by fd.cip "evt.type=accept"
    in terms of total bytes
    sysdig -c fdbytes_by fd.cip

  • 列出所有不是访问apache服务的访问连接

    sysdig -p"%proc.name %fd.name" "evt.type=accept and proc.name!=httpd"

  • 查看机器上运行的容器列表及其资源使用情况

    sudo csysdig -vcontainers

  • 查看容器上下文的进程列表

    sudo csysdig -pc

  • 查看运行在wordpress1容器里CPU的使用率

    sudo sysdig -pc -c topprocs_cpu container.name=wordpress1

  • 查看运行在wordpress1容器里网络带宽的使用率

    sudo sysdig -pc -c topprocs_net container.name=wordpress1

  • 查看在wordpress1容器里使用网络带宽最多的进程

    sudo sysdig -pc -c topprocs_net container.name=wordpress1

  • 查看在wordpress1 容器里占用 I/O 字节最多的文件

    sudo sysdig -pc -c topfiles_bytes container.name=wordpress1

  • 查看在wordpress1 容器里网络连接的排名情况

    sudo sysdig -pc -c topconns container.name=wordpress1

  • 显示wordpress1容器里所有命令执行的情况

    sudo sysdig -pc -c spy_users container.name=wordpress1

  • 查看机器所有的HTTP请求

    sudo sysdig -s 2000 -A -c echo_fds fd.port=80 and evt.buffer contains GET

  • 查看机器所有的SQL select查询

    sudo sysdig -s 2000 -A -c echo_fds evt.buffer contains SELECT

  • See queries made via apache to an external MySQL server happening in real time

    sysdig -s 2000 -A -c echo_fds fd.sip= and proc.name=apache2 and evt.buffer contains SELECT

硬盘 I/O
  • 查看使用硬盘带宽最多的进程

    sysdig -c topprocs_file

  • 列出使用大量文件描述符的进程

    sysdig -c fdcount_by proc.name "fd.type=file"

  • See the top files in terms of read+write bytes

    sysdig -c topfiles_bytes

  • Print the top files that apache has been reading from or writing to

    sysdig -c topfiles_bytes proc.name=httpd

  • Basic opensnoop: snoop file opens as they occur

    sysdig -p "%12user.name %6proc.pid %12proc.name %3fd.num %fd.typechar %fd.name" evt.type=open

  • See the top directories in terms of R+W disk activity

    sysdig -c fdbytes_by fd.directory "fd.type=file"

  • See the top files in terms of R+W disk activity in the /tmp directory

    sysdig -c fdbytes_by fd.filename "fd.directory=/tmp/"

  • Observe the I/O activity on all the files named 'passwd'

    sysdig -A -c echo_fds "fd.filename=passwd"

  • Display I/O activity by FD type

    sysdig -c fdbytes_by fd.type

  • See the top processes in terms of CPU usage

    sysdig -c topprocs_cpu

  • See the top processes for CPU 0

    sysdig -c topprocs_cpu evt.cpu=0

  • Observe the standard output of a process

    sysdig -s4096 -A -c stdout proc.name=cat

  • See the files where most time has been spent

    sysdig -c topfiles_time

  • See the files where apache spent most time

    sysdig -c topfiles_time proc.name=httpd

  • See the top processes in terms of I/O errors

    sysdig -c topprocs_errors

  • See the top files in terms of I/O errors

    sysdig -c topfiles_errors

  • See all the failed disk I/O calls

    sysdig fd.type=file and evt.failed=true

  • See all the failed file opens by httpd

    sysdig "proc.name=httpd and evt.type=open and evt.failed=true"

  • See the system calls where most time has been spent

    sysdig -c topscalls_time

  • See the top system calls returning errors

    sysdig -c topscalls "evt.failed=true"

  • snoop failed file opens as they occur

    sysdig -p "%12user.name %6proc.pid %12proc.name %3fd.num %fd.typechar %fd.name" evt.type=open and evt.failed=true

  • Print the file I/O calls that have a latency greater than 1ms:

    sysdig -c fileslower 1

  • Show the directories that the user "root" visits

    sysdig -p"%evt.arg.path" "evt.type=chdir and user.name=root"

  • Observe ssh activity

    sysdig -A -c echo_fds fd.name=/dev/ptmx and proc.name=sshd

  • Show every file open that happens in /etc

    sysdig evt.type=open and fd.name contains /etc

  • Show the ID of all the login shells that have launched the "tar" command

    sysdig -r file.scap -c list_login_shells tar

  • Show all the commands executed by the login shell with the given ID

    sysdig -r trace.scap.gz -c spy_users proc.loginshellid=5459