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Framework for Semantic Web Process Composition 阅读分析

热度:40   发布时间:2023-12-16 08:21:24.0






文章的核心是一个semantic process template,在这个template中,可以指定此组合服务的组成成分服务(文中称为activity)及其各个成分服务之间的关联关系,显然这个template是描述用户process(flow)需求的(requirements)。下图就是一个semantic process template实例:





候选服务注册时,也注册相应的语义信息。则,discovery服务时,就会进行基于各种ontology的语义匹配。寻找合适的服务来完成各个activity。文章中具体论述为:“To perform semantic discovery according to the original implementation, the users can annotate the inputs and outputs of the service requirements and the discovery process in a UDDI will result in the services that match these semantic requirements. This discovery algorithm has been extended later in [14] that also supports annotating each operation in a WSDL file with a concept in functional ontology along with the annotation of preconditions and effects of that operation. Hence during discovery the service requirements are semantically annotated by associating it with concepts in ontologies that represent operation, inputs, outputs, preconditions and effects of the service. The discovery mechanism supported in MWSCF is based on all these kinds of annotations in addition to input and output semantics.”


另外一段文字说明了如何使用ontology进行语义匹配:“One of the outputs of the operation of interest is annotated with LSDISCargoServices: PickupDate and the other output is annotated with LSDISCargoServices:PickupLocationDetails which is a concept in the ontology that is 2 levels up in the hierarchy of subClassOf relationships. One of the outputs of the service represented by the operation in WSDL match exactly one of the outputs of the activity QuerySupplierPartner and the other output does not match exactly. For exact semantic matching the semantic matching value is 1 and for non-exact matches the semantic matching value is calculated using a linear function that decides the semantic matching value based on the subClassOf hierarchy. The final semantic matching value M3 is the average of semantic matching values of the two outputs. In the example the value of M3 is (1+0.8)/2 = 0.9. The subClassOf hierarchy and linear function used in this implementation can be extended with a better function that can be used to characterize two concepts separated in an ontology by a number of named relationship properties.”




综合考虑三个因素,功能,输入,输出之间的语义相似度,下面的文字论述了如何计算template中的actrivity和WSDL中的候选服务之间的相似度:“The overall semantic matching value between the activity QuerySupplierPartner in the process template and the operation of interest in candidate WSDL, MS is the weighted arithmetic mean of the individual semantic parts, (1 * 50 + 1 * 30 + 0.9 * 20 ) / (50+30+20) = 0.98.”









METEOR-S Web Service Composition Framework (MWSCF)中包括四个部分:process builder, discovery infrastructure,XML repositories和process execution engine.






