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Andrew NG DeepLearning:bias variance

热度:3   发布时间:2023-12-14 20:35:06.0
high bias/高偏差
  • 含有更多隐藏层或者隐藏单元的网络

    make the Neural Network deeper

  • 花费更多时间来训练网络

  • 如果网络足够大,通常可以很好的拟合训练集=》扩大网络规模

    increase the number of units in each hidden layer

high variance
  • 正则化/add regularization


    regularization parameter lamda

    正则化?设置得足够大,权重矩阵?被设置为接近于 0 的值,直观理解就是把多隐藏单元的权重设为 0,于是基本上消除了这些隐藏单元的许多影响。如果是这种情况,这个被大大简化了的神经网络会变成一个很小的网络,小到如同一个逻辑回归单

    过大=》weights smaller =》 high bias

    just fit =》ok

    过小 =》 high variance

  • 方差高,最好的解决办法就是采用更多数据

    more training data

    data augmentation

  • L2


  • dropout

  • weight decay

    a regularization technique (such as L2 regularization ) that result in gradient descent shrinking the weights on every iteration

inverted dropout technique
normalize the inputs x
Increasing the parameter keep_prob from (say) 0.5 to 0.6 will likely cause the following: (Check the two that apply)