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LogiCORE IP Clocking Wizard 之 Core Architecture(时钟IP核的核架构介绍)

热度:54   发布时间:2023-12-12 22:49:40.0


之前写过一篇博文:Xilinx IP核专题之PLL IP核介绍,讲的是如何用ISE的CORE generator产生一个PLL核的实际实现过程,写的也比较仔细,里面的参数是根据数据手册了解的,自从那篇博文写完之后,我一直觉得这样的理解还比较浅显,于是有了今天的这篇博文,一起认识一下这个时钟核的架构。

The Clocking Wizard generates source code HDL to implement a clocking network. The generated clocking network typically consists of a clocking primitive (MMCME2_ADV or PLLE2_ADV) plus some additional circuitry which typically includes buffers and clock pins.

时钟向导通过产生硬件描述语言(HDL)的源代码实现了一个时钟网络。这个产生的时钟网络包括一个时钟原语(MMCME2_ADV or PLLE2_ADV)和一些额外的电路,典型的包括一些buffers和时钟引脚(clock pins)。

The network is divided into segments as illustrated in Figure 3-2. Details of these segments are described in the following sections.




注:看下面的细节之前一定要结合上面提到的那篇文章看,因为一些相关的Clocking Wizard参数配置是和构架的segment有关的。

  • Input Clocks

Up to two input clocks are available for the clocking network. Buffers are optionally inserted on the input clock paths based on the buffer type that is selected.

时钟网络最多有两个输入时钟。 根据所选的缓冲区类型,可选择在输入时钟路径上插入缓冲区。




Primitive Instantiation

The primitive, either user or wizard selected, is instantiated into the network. Parameters on primitives are set by the wizard, and can be overridden by you. Unused input ports are tied to the appropriate values. Unused output ports are labeled as such.



原语就是一个功能模块,例如上面的时钟网络中的Configured Clocking Primitive也是一个原语呀, 通过配置完成一定的功能。







If phase alignment is not selected, the feedback output port on the primitive is automatically tied to the feedback input port. If phase alignment with automatic feedback is selected, the connection is made, but the path delay is matched to that of CLK_OUT1. If user-controlled feedback is selected, the feedback ports are exposed.

如果未选择相位对齐,则原语上的反馈输出端口将自动连接到反馈输入端口。 如果选择了具有自动反馈的相位对齐,则同样建立连接,但路径延迟与CLK_OUT1的路径延迟匹配。 如果选择了用户控制的反馈,则会显示反馈端口。

Output Clocks

Buffers that are user-selected are added to the output clock path, and these clocks are provided to the user.


I/O Signals

All ports are optional, with the exception that at least one input and one output clock are required. Availability of ports is controlled by user-selected parameters. For example, when Dynamic Reconfiguration is selected, only those ports related to Dynamic Reconfiguration are exposed to the user. Any port that is not exposed is either tied off or connected to a signal labeled unused in the delivered source code. Not all ports are available for all devices or primitives; for example, Dynamic Phase Shift is not available when Spread Spectrum is selected.

所有端口都是可选的,但需要至少一个输入和一个输出时钟。 端口的可用性由用户选择的参数控制。 例如,选择“动态重新配置”时,只有与动态重新配置相关的端口才会向用户公开。 任何未公开的端口要么被绑定,要么连接到交付的源代码中标记为未使用的信号。 并非所有端口都适用于所有设备或原语; 例如,选择Spread Spectrum时,动态相移不可用。


