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精通机器学习的5本免费电子书(5 free e-books for machine learning mastery)

热度:34   发布时间:2023-12-12 08:29:51.0

原文:5 free e-books for machine learning mastery 
作者:Serdar Yegulalp 翻译:赖信涛 责编:仲培艺

There are few subjects in computing as fascinating, or intimidating, as machine learning. Let's face it -- you can't master machine learning in a weekend, and at the very least it requires a good grasp of the underlying mathematical principles.

That said, if you have the math chops, you'll want to augment your use of machine learning frameworks (there are plenty to pick from) with a good understanding of the theory behind them.

[ The InfoWorld review roundup: AWS, Microsoft, Databricks, Google, HPE, and IBM machine learning in the cloud. | Get a digest of the day's top tech stories in the InfoWorld Daily newsletter. ]

Here are five high-quality, free-to-read texts that provide introductions to and explanations of machine learning's ins and outs. Some have code examples, but most focus on formulas and theory; in principle, they can be applied to any number of languages, frameworks, or problems.

A Course in Machine Learning

The gist: A highly readable text designed to provide an extremely beginner-friendly approach to the topic. The book is a work in progress -- some sections are still marked TODO -- but what it lacks in completeness, it makes up in sheer accessibility.

Target audience: Anyone with a good grasp of calculus, probability, and linear algebra. No expertise in any specific language is required.

Code content: Some pseudocode; the majority of what's presented is concepts and formulas.

The Elements of Statistical Learning

The gist: A 500-plus-page text that covers what the authors describe as "learning from data," the processes of employing statistics that are the underpinnings for machine learning. It's been through two editions and 10 printings since 2001, for good reason -- it covers a massive amount of territory and isn't limited to any one field.

Target audience: Those who already have a good foundation in math and statistics and don't need a lot of hand-holding to translate their math skills into good code.

Code content: None. This isn't a software development text; this is about foundational concepts around machine learning.

  • A Course in Machine LearningLEARN MORE
    on  Hal Daumé III
  • The Elements of Statistical Learning, 2nd Ed.LEARN MORE
    on  Stanford University
  • Bayesian Reasoning and Machine LearningLEARN MORE
    on  David Barber
  • Gaussian Processes for Machine LearningLEARN MORE
    on  Gaussian Processes for Machine...
  • Machine LearningLEARN MORE
    on  InTech

Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning

The gist: Bayesian methods are behind everything from spam filters to pattern recognition, so they constitute a major field of study for machine-learning mavens. This text walks through all the major aspects of Bayesian statistics, and how they apply to common scenarios in machine learning.

Target audience: Anyone with a good grasp of calculus, probability, and linear algebra.

Code content: Lots! Each chapter contains both pseudocode and links to a toolkit of actual code demos. That said, the code is not in Python or R, but is code for the commercial MATLAB environment, although GNU Octave can work as an open source substitute.

Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning

The gist: Gaussian processes are part of the family of analyses used by Bayesian methods. This text focuses on how Gaussian concepts can be used in common machine learning methods like classification, regression, and model training.

Target audience: Roughly the same as "Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning."

Code content: Most of the code featured in the book is pesudocode, but like "Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning," the appendices include examples for MATLAB/Octave.

Machine Learning

The gist: A collection of essays on different and highly specific aspects of machine learning. Some are more general and philosophical; others are focused on specific problem domains, such as "Machine Learning Methods for Spoken Dialogue Simulation and Optimization."

Target audience: Intended for lay readers as well as the more technically inclined.

Code content: Virtually none, although formulas abound. Read for flavor.




A Course in Machine Learning




The Elements of Statistical Learning




Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning

要点内容: Bayesian(贝叶斯)方法是所有有关模式识别和垃圾过滤的基础,所以逐渐形成了一个特殊的领域。此书涵盖Bayesian统计的各个主要方面,阐述了它是如何应用的。


代码内容:很多!每一个章节都有伪代码和工具的链接,以及一些demo。而且,代码并不是Python或R语言的,而是商业MATLAB环境,GNU Octave也可以作为一个开源的替代品。

Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning


目标读者:大致和Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning差不多。

代码内容:书中使用的代码大多是伪代码,但是和ayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning一样,有些MATLAB/Octave代码。

Machine Learning



